the lines distorting

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Troye planned on spending the following day outside by the pool with his siblings. Presently, he was sitting on a lounge chair listening to Sage and Tyde and Sage's boyfriend talk a mile a minute, while also admiring the interactions between Steele and Steele's girlfriend.

"What are you staring at, Tok?" Sage laughed.

"Huh? Oh. Steele and Liav- they are just super cute."

Tyde and Sage both looked over at their oldest brother and his girlfriend and nodded.

"Hey, so Jake is excited to come back to Australia, huh?" Sage smiled turning back to look at Troye.

Troye quickly looked at his sister with a confused expression, "I guess."

Sage tilted her head, "I mean he said he was."

"Huh?" Troye uttered.

"Jacob said he was excited to come to Australia."

"When did he say that?"


"What? Sage- have you spoken to Jacob?" Troye asked incredulously.

"Is that a problem?" Sage asked.

Troye scoffed and shook his head, "I've not spoken to him in weeks, Sage."

"What?" Tyde asked confusion filling his features.

Troye nodded sadly.

"He didn't mention that," Sage frowned and looked at her boyfriend, Sam.

"He was talking about this retreat he was on," Sam added, "and he said he wasn't allowed to have his phone during it. So maybe that's why?"

Troye narrowed his eyes at Sam, "and yet he spoke to you two on the phone and yet not me?"

"Don't get bitchy with Sam, Troye," Sage scolded, "it's not our fault your boyfriend doesn't want to talk to you."

"That's fucking rude to say," Troye snapped back.

"Sage," Sam sighed, "chill," he then looked back at Troye, "your boyfriend wouldn't stop talking about how much he can't wait to see you."

"Really?" Troye asked taken aback.

"Yes," Sam nodded, "it was cute."

"But, why wouldn't he call me then?" Troye frowned.

"It's probably awkward," Tyde piped in.

"That doesn't make sense," Troye said crossing his arms.

"It does," Sam replied, "he probably is nervous to call after all this time of not talking to you, but he does sincerely sound excited to see you."

"Oh. That does makes sense," Troye said a small smile forming on his face. He then looked at Sage, "Sagey?"

"Ya?" She answered tilting her head.

"I like this one," Troye said nodding to Sam.

Sage laughed, "Ya, me too."

That evening Troye was laying in bed staring at his phone on his nightstand. He sighed, reached over and picked his phone up. He frowned as he looked at the time and realized it was only like 3:30 AM in Los Angeles and not an appropriate time to reach out to Jacob. And yet, he figured a text wouldn't hurt so he swiped open his message app and scrolled down until he found his conversation with Jacob. It had been weeks since he last opened it.

I miss you

Troye was shocked when his message appeared as read and three dots appeared.

I miss you too

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