the sun sets longer where i am from

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The Mellet household was like a dream come true. While, Jacob's mom was fabulous and his dad was pretty cool too, he didn't get to experience what life was like with a two parent household and his siblings all in the same place. That's not to say that his untraditional family was any less than Troye's family, just different. The love that Shaun had for Laurelle and Laurelle for Shaun and both of them for their kids, was so admirable. And of course, who could forget their dog Jagga! Jagga was also perfect. 'This is the type of family that I want someday', Jacob thought to himself, 'only with two dads, the other preferably being Troye.' But Jacob was quick to dismiss those thoughts, as he had just turned 22 in May and Troye turned 21 in June and certainly they were much too young to plan for forever. And yet, that is exactly what they felt like they were doing.

One afternoon in Perth, Troye and Jacob lay by the poolside in Troye's backyard for hours. The sun warmed their bodies and while he knew he learned in science class that the sun gives things energy, it seemed to have the exact opposite on the two boys who were getting tired under the sun. They lazily laid there, side by side, fingers tangled together, small touches and kisses shared every so often- and while the physical touching was always so so good, it was the meeting of their eyes that really warmed their hearts as the sun warmed their skin.

Troye looked deeply into Jacob's hazel eyes and in Jacob's eyes he saw forever. The beauty of the moment, the beauty of Jacob- it was almost overwhelming and he wished he could play back this very moment over and over and over again, perhaps he'd someday immortalize it in a song even. But, for now, Troye leaned in and whispered, "Jacob- I know it's only been almost 6 months, but you're the one for me." He choked through the second part of the sentence as tears formed in his eyes. Jacob moved closer to Troye and pressed their lips together. A stray tear travelled down Jacob's cheek, Troye captured it with his finger. Both boys quietly laughed, the sweet tender moment leaving them both feeling complete bliss. After about a minute, Jacob spoke up. "You're the one for me too, Tro. I love you so much and I am so excited that tomorrow it will be officially 6 months since you asked me to be yours. I'm so thankful for you and for that."

"Well, I'm thankful that you cyberstalked me and then took a chance in messaging me," Troye laughed.

"Me too," Jacob said with a smile.

That night in bed, the boys held each other a little closer. Jacob admired the sleeping boy who was wrapped around him- "So gorgeous," Jacob whispered. Unlike Troye, Jacob had some trouble falling asleep as he was so excited about what he had planned for their anniversary the next day.

And Jacob struggling to fall asleep, was the reason why he missed Troye being called down to the front door for a delivery that next morning. Laurelle, Shaun and the kids were just about to head out for the day, when the doorbell rang.

"Troye, it's for you honey!" Laurelle called out. Groggily Troye made his way downstairs. Once he got to the door he rubbed his eyes, not to force them out of their sleepy haze, but instead in disbelief. A delivery person stood at the door with four dozen, rainbow roses. (Yes, Jacob originally ordered three dozen, but ended up calling back and added a dozen more.)

The delivery man handed the flowers over to Troye along with a card. Sage, Tyde, Shaun and Laurelle all stood by with knowing smiles. Troye struggled to open the card, but once he removed it from the envelope, he read: "To my beautiful boyfriend on our 6th month anniversary. Can't wait for many many many more. I love you endlessly! Love, Jacob"

Troye fought back a sob. He'd never seen flowers so beautiful, never felt so loved. Laurelle stepped closer to look at the card and flowers. She smiled as she read it and pressed a kiss to Troye's cheek, "Oh Toky, it's all so beautiful. How sweet that Jacob is."
"He's perfect, Mum. And he's mine- I don't know how, but he is. Who do I owe that to?"

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