there'll be so many more...

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For the first time in a long time, everything felt right. Troye finally felt as if he could breathe without second guessing himself or being afraid of what would happen with every page that was turned in his life or with every corner he rounded.

Truly, Troye felt so happy and he was in such awe of the man he called his boyfriend. It was like every little thing began to feel so much bigger than what it was. Troye couldn't get over how amazing it felt to have his hand held in his boyfriends' hand. He couldn't believe how lucky he was to get to brush his teeth next to that gorgeous man every morning. He couldn't even express how glorious his life was even when he was picking up the socks his boyfriend left lying in front of their couch and it was one morning, about midway through October that Troye sighed with a smile, as he bent down to pick up a pair of black adidas socks, that it hit him. Troye sincerely felt in love. The fireworks, he first felt the first time Jacob kissed him, were back with some sort of a fucking encore and fuck, Troye was so far gone, farther than he ever was before, for Jacob Taylor Bixenman.

Troye literally squealed at the thought and laughed to himself. He figured he was lucky he was home alone because he probably looked like a mad man with how he was seemingly laughing at nothing, but he didn't fucking care. He didn't care because he was fucking in love and fuck did it feel good.

Troye walked Jacob's socks up to their hamper, took his phone off his dresser and collapsed on his bed. He immediately opened up a text to Jacob.

Troye: I love you so fucking much

Jacob: I love you so much too, baby. Is everything ok?

Troye: yes! Sorry! Everything is fantastic. I was just cleaning and had this overwhelming realization as to how lucky I am to have you and I just wanted to tell you that I love you.

Jacob: awwwwwwwwwww, I'm gonna cry, darling. I love you more than words can describe

Troye: fucking fireworks, Jacob. You feel like fireworks.

Jacob: 🥰

Jacob: look, I'm just about done at work. When I get home, we should pack for NY and Italy, but then we should just snuggle on the patio, with a blanket, and Nash and a bottle of wine or two

Troye: fucking brilliant, you are!

Jacob: see you soon, baby! Love you!

Troye: love you toooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!

Troye sighed happily and then opened a text up to his Mom.

Troye: Mummmmy, hi

Mama Mellet: Tok, hey baby! Is everything ok?

Troye: yes, mummy. But guess what?

Mama Mellet: what?

Troye: I'm so so so so so in love

Mama Mellet: are you sure you're ok, Tok?

Troye: yes! I just realized how much I really do love Jacob and how amazing things have been and I'm just so happy, Mom. So so so so happy.

Mama Mellet: I'm glad to hear that, Troye, and I hope all can stay that way. You know we love Jacob as if he were our own.

Troye: ik and as you should. He's the best ever.

Mama Mellet: 🥲

Mama Mellet: what else is going on in Troye's world?

Troye: umm well we leave tomorrow for NYC. Swinging by to perform with Charli. Then we are going to Italy for that H&M fashion show then like I'm going to Oscar's to work on some songs and will
be there a little into November. Not sure how long.

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