deeper in this mess part two

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Troye sunk into his seat, a look of shock clouded his expression. "What the fuck was that, Tok?" Brett said turning to look at him, "Have you lost your fucking mind?"

"That's no way to be talking to him," Brandon snapped at Brett.

"Fuck you, Brandon. I might work with Troye on his songs but first and foremost he's my friend and as a friend it's my job to tell him when he is out of line and that was WAY fucking out of line," Brett spit back.

"Troye," Dani spoke softly, "Are you ok?"

Troye slowly turned to look at Dani, "I have to go," he said, barely audible.

"What was that?" Dani asked.

Troye jumped to his feet, "I have to go, like now."

"Where?" Brandon asked.

"Home, I have to go home," Troye said urgently as he patted his pockets before realizing that it was Jacob who had the car keys.

"We aren't quite finished, Troye," Brandon answered.

"I think you and Dani can cover it from here," Brett added, "I'll take Troye home." Without thinking Troye headed straight for the door.

"Hold up!" Brandon called out. Troye paused. "Are we going with 'The Good Side' or not, Troye?"

Troye bit his lip and thought it over before responding, "Yes," with a slight nod, "Jacob will understand." Brett then ushered Troye quietly out of the room and Troye nearly sprinted to the lot to Brett's car.

It wasn't a long drive back to Troye and Jacob's apartment, but to Troye it felt like forever. He said nothing and nervously ran his hands over one another. He didn't even say goodbye when Brett parked, instead he nearly jumped out of the door as the car was still slightly in motion and ran towards the front door. His movements didn't slow until he spotted a tall, lean, dark haired figure sitting on a low wall outside smoking a cigarette. It was then that Troye paused and took a deep breath. Then he stalked over with determination until he was standing right in front of Jacob. Jacob's head shot up, in surprise- obviously he didn't expect to see Troye standing there in front of him. Their eyes connected.

Jacob's cigarette was held loosely in between two fingers in his right hand that now rested ontop of the rocky surface. The forgotten bud continued to burn and the white paper of the stick was slowly replaced by a gray and white ash, but Jacob didn't notice, he was fixated on the boy in front of him.

But, it was Troye who made the first move. After a few tense and yet silent moments, Troye interrupted the sterile environment as he quickly stepped closer to Jacob and then climbed into the taller boys' lap, legs straddling Jacob's waist. Jacob pulled back ever so slightly to look at the face that was now right in front of his own. Slowly and slightly, Jacob cocked his head to the side. It was a gesture that Troye struggled to read- was it a question, was it a challenge...did it even matter what it was? Ultimately it did not, as Troye knew exactly what he wanted to say- "Jake...," Troye cleared his throat, "I'm so fucking sorry. I can't believe I said all that shit. I'm such an asshole. Why do you put up with me?"

Jacob sighed and placed his left hand on the small of Troye's back. "You are an asshole and sometimes I can't stand you, but I always love you."

A small smile curved on Troye's lips, "I love you too, Jacob. I love you more than anything. I just, I just get defensive of my work and that song is so important to me."

"Well, obviously Connor is important to you as well."

Troye groaned, "But, not like you. He was never what you are to me. When I'm mad, I say stupid things. I say whatever comes to mind that I know will sting and hurt and I shouldn't do that because you don't deserve that. You've been nothing but loving and patient with me while I blow the fuck up on you for the dumbest reasons."

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