change is in the air

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A couple weeks later, Jacob called his dad.

"Hey Dad," Jacob said as soon as Randy answered.

"Hi, Jake. How are you?"

"I'm great!"

"How's Troye?"

"He's perfection."

"That's good," Randy responded awkwardly, not knowing what else to say.

"Ya, so- Troye's playing a show tomorrow. His family is in too. Figured you guys might like to come and meet the Mellet's and show some support for your son's adorable boyfriend?"

"Oh," Randy said surprised at the invitation, "Yes, definitely count us in. Thank you!"

"Cool, dad! See you tomorrow!"

"Sounds great! Love you, Jacob!"

Jacob sighed, "I love you too, dad. bye!"

The following day Troye was backstage, sat in Jacob's lap, his family surrounding them as Jacob's parents and some of his siblings walked in accompanied by Dani.

"Jacob, the fam is here," Dani announced. Troye turned to look at them and quickly stood.

"Hi," Randy said.

A few seconds passed as everyone looked at each other.

"Hey!" Jacob finally spoke up, "Umm, Come in and meet everyone."

Jacob stood and gestured to each person as he spoke, "Laurelle, Shaun, Steele, Sage and Tyde- these are my parents- my dad, Randy, my mom, Carrie, my stepmom, Cindy and a couple of my siblings- Angie and Devin."

Shaun smiled and stood, "it's so nice to finally meet all of you." He placed his hands on Jacob's shoulders, "We just love Jacob so much, he's such a fabulous guy!"

"'Tis true," Tyde spoke up, "Jake is one of my favorite people ever!"

Sage nodded. Jacob looked at Steele and smiled widely.

"What?" Steele asked laughing.

"Everyone is talking about how wonderful I am, it is your turn,"Jacob joked.

Steele rolled his eyes, "Ok fine, Jacob is slightly less annoying than Troye is."

"Hey!" Troye and Jacob said in unison.

Steele laughed. "You know I love you, Jake. You're the other little brother I never wanted and didn't know that I needed."

"Awwww!" Jacob said going over to hug Steele. "Do you really mean it?"

"Not anymore," Steele joked.

"Really though," Laurelle chimed in, "you must all be so proud of Jacob. He's beautiful, inside and outside, so kindhearted and gentle and oh so talented. Iove him as if he were my own."

Jacob blushed.

"Wow, thanks," Randy said awkwardly not knowing what to say in response.

Troye bit his lip and looked to the ground.

"We haven't been to a concert in like forever," Cindy finally added, "we are looking forward to seeing Troye perform. We saw some stuff on YouTube and it looked rather exciting."

Laurelle and Shaun exchanged glances at what seemed like a forced attempt from Cindy to keep the positivity flowing. Noticing the tension Troye spoke up, "Oh Jeeze, I need to go get ready for soundcheck. Jacob can show you everyone how to get out there." Jacob pulled Troye into a quick kiss and Troye exited the room.

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