we're adversaries

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August started out alright, well maybe better than alright... maybe. Whether is was because they sensed Troye needed them or because they felt like they needed to be there for him, the Mellet's came to LA to visit Troye.

Jacob was thrilled when the Mellet's arrived to their house. He was instantly at the door hugging and kissing Laurelle, Shaun, and Sage. Troye watched in the hall as Jacob crooned, "I've missed you guys so much."

He noticed the genuine smile on Jacob's face.
He noticed the actual excitement in Jacob's voice.
And he realized that it'd been a really long time since he actually saw his boyfriend happy like that and it hurt.

It hurt Troye that his boyfriend's entire face lit up when his own parents and sister came to visit, and yet that energy was nonexistent with their interactions.

Sage was the first to look Troye's way and she, as per usual, immediately recognized his obvious discomfort. "Hey Tok," Sage said softly and quickly moved over and pulled her bigger brother into a hug.

"Hi Sagey," Troye replied, holding her tightly.

"You ok?" She whispered so that only Troye could hear her.

"He doesn't look at me like that ever," Troye sighed.

"What do you mean?"

"He was excited and happy to see you guys. Even though like I think he tries to be, he's not ever truly happy to see me."

Sage sighed and squeezed her brother harder, "he hasn't seen us in like forever, Tok. I'm sure you're just reading things wrong."

"I wish," Troye replied, "but I am super happy that you're here," he pulled back and kissed her on the cheek. He then accepted hugs from his mom and dad.

"What's wrong?" Laurelle asked after pulling away from Troye.

"Nothing," Troye said putting on a small smile. He then looked up at Jacob. Jacob raised an eyebrow in question, Troye just shook his head and looked back at his Mom. "I missed you all."

"We missed you too, baby," Laurelle smiled.

"That true then?" Shaun asked. "Nothing's wrong?" He added on, looking between Troye and Jacob.

Jacob shrugged and shook his head no.

Troye forced on a smile and looked at his dad, "everything is fine."

"Good. That's good," Shaun nodded in approval. Troye forced himself to not roll his eyes as his dad was never one to so quickly believe his blatant lies. In fact, when Troye was a teenager he could never get away with anything. It then dawned on Troye that it likely wasn't that his dad believed his lies, but that his dad didn't really want to see the truth.

After the Mellet's settled in, Troye and Jacob headed out to dinner with their visitors. Jacob and Sage spent most of the time exchanging stories and laughing, obnoxiously laughing if you asked Troye, about almost nothing. "You don't visit enough, Sagey," Jacob protested.

"You don't visit enough, Jakey," Sage shot back.

"Well LA is cooler so like you should come here more," Jacob countered.

Troye scoffed causing Jacob to look at him in question.

"LA is cooler?" Troye asked.

"Well, duh. It's LA," Jacob said rolling his eyes causing Sage to giggle.

"Right, well- it being 'cooler,'" Troye said putting cooler in air quotes, "is exactly why I will be raising my children in Australia someday."

Jacob tilted his head and bit his lip as he obviously considered how to respond. Troye mimicked his head tilt and raised an eyebrow in challenge. Of course, Sage decided to take it upon herself to end the awkwardness of the stare down.

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