counting all the losses

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Jacob kept his promise.  In fact, he and Troye talked on the phone almost every free minute they had and, oddly enough, were talking to each other more than they would when they were living together. Troye shared these thoughts with his Dad one afternoon and his Dad told him that it was very easy to feel as if you don't have to put effort into your relationships when you are with your partner all the time and added that proximity can not provide the same warmth as an actual connection. He then tacked on the idea that sex alone isn't enough to keep people connected and while Troye appreciated his Dads' advice, it was at that point that he began to tune his Dad out.

Anyone that was with Troye when his phone rang with a call from Jacob instantly knew who was calling when Troye looked at his phone, by the way Troye's face and eyes lit up the moment he saw Jacob's name. So much so that one evening Brett found himself saying, "Maybe I was wrong," when Troye finally ended a 1 hour and 47 minute phone call with Jacob- they spent the last 25 minutes of that call exchanging words expressing how much they loved one another and Troye was smiling so wide his face hurt.

"He's my happily ever after," Troye replied to Brett.

"Ya, ya maybe he is," Brett answered.

Then came time for Italy and Troye was so so so excited, not only was he reuniting with Jacob, but with his best friend, Kayla as well. Jacob met Troye at the airport, Troye ran to Jacob and dove into Jacob's arms the moment he saw his man. Tears ran down Jacob's face as he embraced Troye, but all Troye could do was smile. It felt so, so good. It was the closest Troye felt to Jacob in the longest time and when they had sex, upon arriving to their hotel, it wasn't just sex, it was so intimate and emotional and Troye decided for sure that Jacob was truly his happily ever after and it was that sentiment that he shared with Kayla when they reunited the following day.

"Troye!!!!!" Kayla squealed when she spotted Troye and Jacob in the hotel lobby.

Troye laughed and opened his arms as Kayla hurried over to him and then hugged him tightly. "I've missed you so much, bitch," Kayla said.

"I've missed you too, Kayla," Troye then looked up at Kayla's boyfriend, "Hi Ryan."

"Hey Troye."

Troye looked over at Jacob and smiled, "You remember Ryan, right?"

"Of course," Jacob said and reached a hand out to Ryan.

Ryan shook Jacob's hand and then smiled back at Kayla and Troye.

"I need to talk to Kayla," Troye announced, "why don't you two go grab a coffee or something." With that Troye took Kayla by the hand and led her outside.

"Troye," Kayla whined, "I love you and all, but we are in Italy with our boyfriends, if you catch my drift."

"Yes, which is why I need your help," Troye stopped and smiled at Kayla.

"You're fucking glowing, Troye," Kayla smiled as she studied Troye's expression, "what's the tea?"

"I was looking on my phone and found this jewelry store like a block away," Troye replied.

"Ok?" Kayla said.

"I'm thinking about going there before we leave and asking Jacob to marry me. Maybe not thinking about it. I think I'm going to do it."

"Oh Troye," Kayla said, her face falling a bit.

"What?" Troye said narrowing his eyes.

"Have you spoken to Jacob about this?"

"I mean not directly, recently, but like in a round about way..."

"Troye," Kayla sighed.

"What?" Troye began to pout.

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