i sympathize

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The next morning, Jacob woke up early, despite not getting to bed late. The house was quiet and Troye and Kerri were still fast asleep. Jacob leaned over to plug in Troye's fairy lights and then picked up Tyde's copy of "Note to Self". After examining both books before going to bed, he decided to start with the second one because of the photography and poems and no, not because it discussed the dissolution of Troye and Connor's relationship.

Jacob finished the book nearly as quickly as he started and if he shed some tears as Connor walked him through Connor's pain, well, it wasn't something that he was going to admit to anyone. Seeing that Troye was still asleep, Jacob cracked open "A Work in Progress". Jacob quickly moved through it, just as he did with "Note to Self " and it wasn't due to a lack of substance or anything of the sort, fact is that Connor was a compelling writer and his heart and his mind were so clearly exhibited through each and every page. One sentence in particular put a pause to Jacob's fast-paced reading. Jacob read the sentence again, 'My best friend, Troye, once told me "if you wanna make cool shit, you gotta make cool shit," and it's engraved on my mind.' Jacob smiled, it was totally something that Troye would say. But, the smile quickly faded as he looked over the words 'my best friend'. From being named Connor's best friend in the first book to being the nameless ex in the second book- Jacob breathed deeply fighting back tears again. It was just so sad that Troye and Connor were more than just lovers, they were best friends and ya he would totally say that Troye was his best friend if asked, but their relationship didn't really begin that way. I mean let's be honest, Jacob played the role of friend, albeit poorly, in the beginning, but those weren't his intentions, he always wanted Troye as more. But, Connor and Troye were friends. They were friends before, if Jacob was correct in understanding the timeline, before Connor even came out as gay. Suddenly he felt himself almost mourning the loss of Tronnor, as friends that was. Jacob closed the book and sighed as he looked at Troye. Then he got an idea, probably a horrible idea, but one that he was nonetheless following through with.

Jacob opened Instagram and searched for Connor Franta. He sighed and began to type a message.

jacobbix: Hi there! I just read your books. They are really great. I especially enjoy the photography and poems in the second one.

Jacob clicked send and cringed. Well, what's done is done. No looking back now.

Of course it was at this moment that Troye woke up. "Who you talking to, babe?" Troye said wiping his eyes.

"Oh, it's this actor named Tommy Dorfman, they said they know you. They are good friends with Hari too."

Troye rolled his eyes.

"What, you don't like them?"

"I don't know. I think they try too hard."

Jacob laughed, "Well I thought they seemed cool. We are going to hang when I get back to LA, if that's alright with you?"

Troye shrugged.

"Also, you should maybe call up Brett or Tyler or someone when we get back. I'm sure your friends miss you."

"Are you trying to get rid of me, Jake?"

"No, baby. I want you all the time. But, other people should get a chance to see you sometimes. You had fun with Kayla and Kerri, right?"

"Yes, but I feel like death. Kerri's a bitch for letting me drink that much."

"Fuck you, Troye," Kerri said.

"I love you Kerri!" Troye laughed.

"I love you too, brat," Kerri answered.

After a couple hours of trying to force Kerri and Troye up, Troye was in the shower and Kerri was heading out the door. Jacob felt as if it was almost time for a nap himself, at least he earned one after all he had to deal with that morning. He laid back on Troye's bed and closed his eyes. Of course it was at that moment when Jacob's phone buzzed with a notification. Jacob looked at his phone and immediately sat up.

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