we make a really good team and not everyone sees

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After a brief nap, the boys quickly showered and got dressed. They were on there way out the door as Jacob's roommate was coming in.

"O M G, Jacob I missed you!" His roommate yelled and hugged Jacob.

Jacob hugged him back tightly and kissed him on the cheek. It was obvious that they were very close.

Jacob turned to Troye and said, "Adam this is Troye, Troye this is Adam- he's one of the best people I've ever met."

"Hi," Troye said feeling a tad jealous that his own introduction wasn't as exciting as Adams.

"I've heard so much about you," Adam told Troye. "Can't wait for your show tonight!" He added.

Troye nodded, "Speaking of which, we should go." He pushed Jacob out the door. "See you later, Adam."

Jacob frowned at Troye as they walked to his car. "You don't have to be jealous baby, Adam's not my type."

Troye said, "I'm not jealous, just don't want to be late."

"Mmhmm," Jacob responded as he got in his car and started it.

Troye shot Jacob a look of annoyance.

Jacob grabbed Troye's hand. "Tro, I know we were kinda wrapped up in the heat of the moment before, but I want you to know that I really do love you. Like I am crazy in love with you, even if you get jealous of my best friends. And of course, I love my friends too, but there's no one I love like you and there has never been and there will never be."

Troye smiled, "You're so cheesy."

Jacob rolled his eyes.

"Baby," Troye added, "I am so totally in love with you too. Even though we've only officially been boyfriends for like a little over a day, I've felt something special between us for quite some time. People talk about a spark, but with you, it's always been like fireworks."

Jacob pulled Troye's hand up and kissed it. "Let's get you to your show."

As they pulled up to the venue, they noticed fans already lined up at the front door. Jacob pulled around back to avoid them and let Troye out. "I'm going to park my car," Jacob said. "I'll see you in there."

Troye nodded and entered the theatre through the back. As soon as he rounded the corner, he saw Dani who was dragging him into the dressing room to work on wardrobe. So, when Jacob walked into the theatre he was left to hang on his own a bit. And, as luck would have it, as he moved down a hallway, he found himself face to face with Troye's dad, Shaun.

Next to Shaun stood a guy, definitely a few years older than Troye, Jacob figured he must have been Steele. Jacob's eyes met Shaun's, neither one saying anything. So, Jacob gave Shaun a quick nod and decided to just keep walking. His plans were foiled, however, when Shaun put a hand on his arm to stop him. "Jacob," Shaun spoke. "This is Troye's older brother, Steele. Steele, this is Jacob Bixenman." Steele put out his hand and Jacob shook it.

Steele smiled, "I've heard SO much about you, Jacob."

Jacob nodded.

"Why don't you come meet the rest of the family?" Shaun asked.

"I really think Troye would prefer if I waited for him," Jacob answered.

Just then, a boy who looked similar to Steele, but younger and a tad shorter rounded the corner. "Steele- we've gotta go!" He said.

Steele looked to the boy and then at his watch , "Shit, you're right, Tyde!"

"Where are you going?" Shaun asked.

Tyde looked around sheepishly, "Meeting Connor for coffee," he whispered, "Sage is coming too. You and Mum can stop by if you like, it's just up the street."

Shaun quickly looked over at Jacob. Jacob bit his lip and nodded. "Excuse me," Jacob said as he walked toward the backdoor.

"Who's that?" Jacob heard Tyde ask.

"Umm, That's Jacob," Steele said.

Tyde gasped, "As in Troye's Jacob? Do you think we pissed him off?"

And with that Jacob found himself outside. He walked to the left of the building. Climbed up a few stairs, pulled out his pack of cigarettes and sighed into one as he lit it up.

He repositioned himself so that he sat with knees bent, feet on the same step as his ass, with his back leaned against the stone wall.

As he glanced back toward the back door, he watched Tyde, Steele and who he assumed must be Sage leaving to meet Connor. He then watched Shaun and who he assumed was Troye's mother hesitantly step outside.

"Hold up, kids," Shaun called out to Troye's siblings. Shaun turned to his wife and shrugged and walked to join his other children while his wife stood there with her hands on her hips.

'Whatever,' Jacob thought. Suddenly he was wishing he had brought something more like vodka with him as he originally suggested. He finished one cigarette said 'fuck it' and lit another. He closed his eyes, rested his head on the wall and enjoyed the way the sun felt beating against his skin. That was until the sun was for some reason eclipsed from his view.

Quickly he opened his eyes and saw a woman with short black hair and thick glasses looking down at him. "Those things will kill you, you know?" She asked.

Jacob shrugged. "YOLO- or something like that. Of course I'd prefer something much harder right now, but I don't think the bar is open quite yet," he said taking a drag from his cigarette.

"And I'm assuming you are out here moping because of my family," the woman spoke.

"Assuming you are Mrs. Mellet, I've got to be honest, I'm probably hiding from you too," Jacob said.

"Call me, Laurelle," Troye's mom responded. "Look, Jacob we really are all excited to get to know you. I mean, I'm sure you aren't thrilled that the rest of them are off with Troye's ex, but it's not like anyone is advocating for Troye and Connor to get back together. You have to understand, Connor was a part of our lives before even dating Troye. Heck, it's probably been a good four years and with how abruptly things ended, we all have some healing to do."

Jacob ashed out his cigarette and stood up, "Don't let me hold you back, Laurelle," he said and walked away.

Up the block, Connor embraced each of the Mellet's with a huge smile. They were like his second family, after all. Each one chatted excitedly, as they caught up on everything.

The bell on the door then dinged and soon Laurelle was walking in. She looked at the table and smiled, "Connie! How are you sweetheart?" He stood and hugged her tightly. "I'm good. How about you? You look a bit frazzled," Connor said.

Laurelle sighed and sat down. "That boy has quite a 'tude,"

"Troye?" Connor asked. "Please don't upset him by coming to see me."

"Not Troye. The boy he is umm seeing now," Laurelle slowly admitted.

"Oh. Is that like an official thing now?" Connor asked softly.

Laurelle nodded.

Shaun shook his head.

"What?" Sage asked. "Is he really THAT bad?"

Shaun sighed, "We have to give him a chance."

Connor spoke up, "Troye just deserves to be happy."

"Anyways..." Laurelle said to change the subject and the Mellet family, sans Troye, chatted with Connor about writing and work and traveling.

"Well, if you find yourself in Australia, you know you have a place to stay," said Shaun.

Connor nodded and hugged each of the Mellet's goodbye.

Troye was starting soundcheck soon and his family didn't want to miss it.

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