Chapter 58

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Chapter 58- Ella's POV 

At around 4pm, the key turned in the lock and I looked up. It was Edward. I'd given him a key when I got home from hospital for ease of access so that I wouldn't need to get up, due to my injured back. My lips automatically curved into a smile when he approached. I had been waiting for him to come back home all day, and when he called to say that he would be late, I was more than disappointed. I had some news to break to him regarding PC Michigan. I shuddered at the thought. 

"Hey, love, good afternoon," Edward said, putting his bag on the ground. He sat down next to me and lifted my face up to meet his gaze. "How are you?" he asked me.

"I'm good," I answered, after my lips met his in a soft kiss. I smiled. "How was your first day?"

Edward leaned back on the sofa and exhaled. "Pretty great, actually. I can't complain, everyone's really nice, and the art room's great as well." He grinned. I was glad to see him look so content. It had been quite some time since I'd seen him smiling.

"I'm glad it's great," I said.

I recalled that we had not talked about our fight before all of the drama with John began. But we could talk about it later, and I think we were probably past it too. The love between us was greater than our past. This was why I had to tell him about PC Michigan's threats today, because from now on, we had to trust each other, and we had to confront this together. We should have began doing it a long time ago. But it was better late then never. I knew that from now on, I could never let him go.

"It is," Edward said, gazing at me. He sat up and took my hand in his. "I didn't tell you where I went after school," he said slowly. 

I lifted an eyebrow. "I know. But you don't have to tell me everything." Then, as an afterthought, I added, "Where did you go?" 

Edward chuckled. "I was going to tell you anyway. Beth texted me to meet her during break, and she gave me a flash drive." He paused to see my reaction, but there was nothing registered on my face. I just wanted him to go on. "She had set up a camera in John's basement, and a voice recorder on his phone, so she knew what he was doing most of the time, as a sort of precaution. The files were a video of when you were in the basement with John, and an audio file of when you two were in the car. So, apart from it being evidence, it was also vital information to me." 

I nodded as I took this in. "And how do you feel about it?" I asked cautiously. So much had been said when I was with John, it must have been hard for Edward to listen to. 

"I'm fine. Shocked and angry at him, but okay. That's why I went to see him after school. I went to the hospital and had an argument with him."

"What did he say?" I asked cautiously. 

Edward looked away from me for a second, then focused his gaze back on me. "He said a lot of things, but in the end he apologized to both me and you for what he did. And he gave me the keys to the cottage." 

I almost jumped in relief. "That's great! I need some of that footage for PC Michigan!" I exclaimed. Edward looked at me worriedly and I realized my mistake. I had not mentioned anything to him about Sean, as he wanted me to call him, yet. In the midst of this I also realized that John had apologized for what he had done to us. Wow.

"Oh, that's the downside of it. He was there today... and he said he spoke to you..." He waited to see what I would say about it, but I just nodded, and he took it as a cue to continue. "He also overheard... well, more like eavesdropped, on my conversation with John, so he kind of knows every illegal thing both of us have done. And he also knows that there is incriminating evidence in the cottage." He sounded quite ashamed of himself as he said this. My heart sank. 

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