Chapter 2

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 The photo on the side is of Mr James :) 

Chapter 2- Mr James's POV

I walked into the art room and closed the door behind me, taking a sip from my cappuccino. As I looked up, I saw John, sitting on one of the students’ chairs, waiting for me. I smiled at him. “Hey, I didn’t know you were going to be there, I would have gotten you one of these,” I said, raising my drink.

“It’s okay,” he said, shrugging. “I just came in here to say hi… and to ask if I could spend the next lesson here.” He looked at me with puppy dog eyes, so I would say yes to him. I chuckled. I couldn’t say no to him when he gave me that look, and anyway, I didn’t mind. It was good to have a friend in class with you.

“Sure. But I have students coming here for the next lesson,” I said. “And you know me, I need to show them who’s in charge as from the first day.”

“Yeah it’s okay. I don’t know why you do that though, I don’t with my students,” John, my closest friend out of all the teachers, said to me. We met last year, when he started working at our school. He’s barely twenty-three years old, and even though I’m older, we get on well.

“But you teach English, not Art,” I said. “It’s different.”

Right at that moment, a knock came on the door, and I looked up. There was Beth, who was one of the teachers as well, and unfortunately for me, she was also my girlfriend. She smiled at me and came into the room, stopping next to me. I smiled at her and looked back down, trying not to give her attention.

“Hey hun,” she said, leaning in towards me to give me a kiss. I turned away just in time for her to kiss my cheek instead of my lips.

“Hey,” I muttered.

“What’s wrong?” she asked me, surprised and taken aback by the way I spoke to her, and surely, how I turned my face just as she was about to kiss me.

“We’re at school, Beth,” I said. “My students will be coming in for the lesson in five minutes’ time. I don’t want them to walk into the classroom on the first day while I’m making out with another teacher, thank you.”  I took another sip from my cappuccino and set the plastic cup on the table next to me, and then I turned back to Beth.

“I’m not just another teacher, Ed. I’m your girlfriend,” she said with a pout.

“So I’ve heard,” I muttered, leaning back on the desk. I turned to take a look at John, who was following our conversation with an amused look on his face. Of course, he’d like something like this. And of course, I knew he liked Beth. He always had a gleaming look in his eyes when he saw her, or whenever he spoke to her. And I could tell he was jealous that her and I were dating. And that she really liked me, while she didn’t like him at all.

“What did you say?” Beth asked me. Her light green eyes looked at me, trying to understand me, but I felt that it was as if she were looking right through me. This girl can never understand me, I thought.  We’re too different.

“Nothing, nothing. Do you have a lesson now?” I asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“Go prepare for it then, and leave me be. I need to prepare for my lesson,” I replied, quite arrogantly. I didn’t really care, I just wanted her out of the room. She annoyed me.

Beth glared at me. “I’ll see you tonight then,” she said. I looked up, I had already turned away from her while she was talking. I thought she had already left.

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