Chapter 59

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Chapter 59- Ella's POV

I waited and waited. Then I went to change into a pair of classic blue jeans and a white sweater. And then I waited some more.

I looked at the clock. It was already 2pm. Edward had called to say that they had arrived and nothing seemed to be out of place. He asked me how I was doing, but I couldn't say anything much. PC Michigan had not arrived yet. 

I was bored but I was too distracted to focus on doing anything while I waited for him to arrive. So I went upstairs and into my mother's room, where the balcony led to the outside, with the view of the road. And I waited there, anticipating his arrival. 

After a few minutes I heard the sound of a motorcycle which revved up the road. It stopped almost in front of my house, and the driver got off. My heart skipped a beat as soon as I realized that it was Michigan. He was wearing a leather jacket and khaki pants, and military boots. He took off his helmet and fixed up his hair, before making his way to my front door.

I took a deep breath and made my way down the stairs, hoping that this would be over very soon. Edward had set up a camera in the living room, on the book shelf, and another one in the kitchen. "Just in case," he'd said. I exhaled before I opened the front door. PC Michigan was standing behind it. He smirked as soon as he saw me, scanning me quickly. I noticed that he had the badge of the police department on his jacket, and on the shirt underneath it. He was holding his helmet and a messenger bag in his hand.  He was good-looking, and he knew I knew that.

"Hello," he said, raising an eyebrow. I mumbled a hi and stepped aside to let him pass, then closed the door behind him. I followed him into the living room without saying a word. He suddenly turned around, making me come face to face with him. "So you wanted to see me, hmm?" he said. I stepped back. 

"I guess you could say that," I mumbled. He grinned and stepped closer to me, dropping his helmet and bag onto the tea table. 

"Well, I wanted to see you, too. And I would have called you if you hadn't called me," he said in his husky voice.  

Great, Michigan, keep on doing what you're doing, all of this is looking great on camera.

I forced a smile. "Right. Do you want to drink anything before we start off with the questions?" I asked, a surge of confidence rushing through me. 

He looked somewhat amused. "Oh. Yes. Wow, for a second you sounded like you're the officer and not me. I'm impressed." He placed a hand on my arm and then extended it around my shoulders. "I'd love something to drink. It's been a long day. But I'm going to help you make it, not sit here while you do all the work." He squeezed my shoulder and I winced. He let go of me and waited for me to nod before following me into the kitchen. Edward had been right to plant a camera in the kitchen as well. 

"What do you want to drink?" I asked. 

Michigan frowned. "Umm, tea would be great. Actually I'd love something a bit stronger but it's a bit out of the question, kind of," he admitted. 

With stronger I knew he meant alcohol. But he was on duty and was not supposed to drink. I stopped myself from widening my eyes and decided to play dumb. "Like coffee?" I asked. 

He rolled his eyes, then stepped closer to me so that we were almost touching. He touched my cheek lightly. "You're too cute," he said, lifting my face to meet his eyes. "I meant booze. Do you have any?" 

I knew that we had some bottles in the cupboard, but I wasn't about to offer alcohol to a police officer inside my own house when I was video taping him and trying to accuse him of harassment. If I were to offer him anything, it would look as if I'd done the whole thing on purpose. So I shook my head. "No, sorry. We're a family of non-drinkers." 

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