Chapter 31

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Chapter 31- Ella’s POV

Wednesday. My favourite day of the week.

Well, usually.

Not in this case though. I dreaded my art lesson with Edward, but was unwilling to skip it. I knew what was going to happen- he would ignore me, and talk to everyone else but me. Still, a part of me was hoping- just hoping. And this was the reason why I decided to go earlier to the classroom where the lesson was going to be. I knew he would be there, obviously. Luckily the lesson was right after break so I could just ditch my friends and go to the art room a couple of minutes earlier.

So when the time arrived, I walked up the stairs towards the classroom. The door was open when I arrived, so I peeped in. There was no one inside. I went in and took a seat in the middle of the class, my usual place to sit, and looked around. Waiting. And wondering what to say when he arrived.

Edward entered a couple of minutes later, holding a cappuccino cup and half a baguette. He didn’t act surprised when he saw me, but just nodded at me instead. You know, just like any normal teacher would do when he sees one of his students. Since there were still ten minutes left of break, he sat down at his desk and started eating his lunch slowly, whilst looking at what I presumed was homework. When he finished, he stood up and walked to the window, cappuccino in hand, and completely ignoring me. And of course, frustrating me more. Then, he walked back to his desk, set the cup down, and picked up an A3 sheet of paper. And surprisingly, walked towards me.

Great, he’s going to talk to me about homework. I mentally rolled my eyes. This was so childish.

“I gave you a seven plus for this. The concept’s good, you know how to use the medium… what’s it, acrylic?” He looked at me, making my heart flutter. Nothing in this world is more beautiful than those blue eyes. I found myself nodding as an answer to his question. “But, honestly,” he continued, “I could give you more marks because the composition is not triangular, you know?”

I knew, all right. The rules in a still life included that the objects drawn have to form a triangular shape together, and I hadn’t done that. But this wasn’t my concern right now. I didn’t really care about the triangular composition I was supposed to paint, or my grade whatsoever.

“I could give you more marks but then you just wouldn't learn to fix the composition of the objects next time. And that's really what you need to understand. That clear?” Edward asked.

I sat up. “Yes.”

“Good.” He turned to leave.

“Why are you acting like this?” I asked.

Edward turned around immediately. “Acting like what?” he asked, not a hint of emotion on his face or in his voice.

“Acting like you’re my teacher.”

He chuckled as he ran a hand through his messy hair. “I am your teacher, Ella. It’s my job, remember?”

Darn, he’s right. But I still was going to take the opportunity to speak to him, now that I was on my own with him. “I know you are. But you’re not just that, and you and I both know that. Why are you acting like nothing ever happened between us?” I asked, almost frantically.

Edward shrugged. “Hey, don’t look at me. I wasn’t the one to ruin the relationship. It wasn’t my fault… and you and I both know that.” He repeated what I’d just said to him.

For the first time in that day, I noticed what he was wearing. Dark red button up shirt, and black trousers. It’s crazy how people observe these kinds of things in such crazy moments, isn’t it?

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