Chapter 7

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Hi, I hope you enjoy this part :) It's from Mr James's point of view, and later on from Ella's. Hope you like it :)

This is dedicated to my best friend, for always being there for me, whether it's for life advice or to loan me money for chips :3 Thanks!

Photo on the side is of John

Chapter 7- Mr James's POV

I drove home after saying goodbye to Ella. Like I told her, my place was just around the corner. It was another coincidence, I don't recall ever seeing her perfect face before. Too many coincidences with this girl, I tutted to myself, before realising that I probably looked stupid doing that.

I took off my shoes and slumped down on the sofa, taking in the events that had happened that day. Man, I had almost kissed a student. And not just any student, but her. I actually think she likes me. Well, I like her too, in that case.

My thoughts were immediately shattered when I heard the doorbell ring. I groaned and got up from the sofa, and went to the door. Disappointment flooded through me when I saw Beth standing in the doorway. Damn, I was hoping it would be Ella or something. But then something dawned to me suddenly. How long had Beth been here? Had she seen me with Ella? Damn, had she seen me trying to kiss her?

I knew I was now pale because Beth stepped forward and looked worried. "Hey, are you okay?" she touched my forehead. I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm okay, it's just, I was wondering, how long have you been here for?" I could hear a crack in my voice and I bit my lip with worry.

Beth's face reddened. "Oh no, I've just arrived. I wanted to see you since we had that fight at school today."

"Oh, right," I said in relief. I had already forgotten about that.


The rest of the day passed by in a blur, I barely know what happened. Beth didn't stay for a long time, but left after twenty minutes. It thought it was quite weird of her, she usually stays until I tell her to leave. Uh, whatever. Not that I care about what she does. I spent the rest of the evening with a glass of vodka in hand, okay, actually more than one, so that when I passed out in front of the tv at nine pm I was shattered.

I woke up with a migraine the next morning, and I was running late of course. I took a quick shower and put on black jeans and a white shirt, and the same shoes I'd worn the day before. No time to take breakfast or brush my teeth, I was going to be late.

When I arrived to school, I realised that I actually don't start until the second lesson, and I probably smelled of alcohol. I cursed under my breath and unlocked the art room. Well, I did, when I finally managed to put the key through the key hole. Urghh, I need coffee, I thought.

As soon as I opened the door, my eyes fell on something which was on the floor. I squinted, and noticed that it was a photo, which someone must have pushed under the door, just for me. Hmm... what was there? I picked it up with difficulty, since I still had quite a blurry vision, and looked at it closely.

As soon as I understood what it was, I dropped it on the ground with shock. What the heck?? I cursed under my breath once again, and then picked the photo up once again to look at it for the second time. Someone definitely wanted me to see this. I felt faint, and I had to enter the classroom and sit down at my desk, putting the image in front of me, and burying my face in my hands.

Someone had taken a photo of me with Ella, right at that moment when I was holding her, and was about to kiss her. The image was a bit pixilated, and looked like it had been taken real quick using a phone's camera, but the faces were still recognisable. Someone had had the nerve to take this photo, print it out and even post it under my class room door. Who the heck would do such a thing?

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