Chapter 12

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Hi, I hope you enjoy this part :) I wrote all of it today, hopefully it's as good as the rest! 

Photo on the side is of John :)

Chapter 12- Ella’s POV

I was totally taken aback by John’s kiss, so much that I did not respond or pull away. I didn’t really know what to do. I didn’t have time to think about it, though, because he moved back abruptly. I looked at him with surprise.

“Oh my gosh I am so sorry,” he said, trying to catch his breath, his face getting red.

“Sorry for what?” I asked curiously. I had to admit that I enjoyed the kiss, even if it was only two seconds long. Even though I didn’t approve. I didn’t even know him.

“For... that. I did not plan to do that, I’m really sorry.” He moved back.

“Really,” I said, not believing him.

“Really,” he replied, grabbing hold of my hands.

Okay, this is officially weird. What the hell was up with the teachers at my college? Didn’t they know the rules? And this one was even worse than Edward, I mean, Mr James. Him... I’d been working on getting him closer to me, and I could say that it was my fault. But John... I didn’t know him at all.

I looked at his handsome face as he looked at me with a worried expression. I decided to try to be friendly, and maybe try to act funny with him as well. “No, I think you did plan to do that,” I said.

He shook his head. “No I didn’t. I didn’t mean to do that.”

“Are you sure, because I think you had been thinking about kissing me the whole time,” I said, making fun of him. Seeing him look so worried was funny. But his face expression changed, and he was smirking now. I kept on looking at him, waiting for him to say something.

He grinned. “You’re right, I was. And I still am,” he replied. My eyes widened. How could he say something like that. I mean he-

I didn’t have time to think anymore, because at that moment, John moved forward and his lips touched mine once again, this time more forcefully than before.

Oh-kay. I wasn’t expecting this to happen once again. After a few seconds, I found myself responding to him, without even knowing how or why. But then I pulled away. What the hell? He was a teacher, he was supposed to keep his distance! Who the hell did he think he was?

“What the hell are you doing?” I exclaimed.

John’s POV

I knew I was lying when I said I didn’t mean to kiss her. Of course I did. I’d been thinking about doing it for quite some time now. It was probably the first illegal thing I’d ever done. Unlike Edward, who seemed to be a pro at doing all the bad stuff.

Shit, Edward. I hope he won’t find out about this. What can I say, though. I can always say that we’ve got the same taste in girls. Oh, what the hell. I focused my attention back to Ella.

I looked at her eyes, worried. Her eyes seemed to flicker and she looked like she was trying to hold back a laugh. Um, what was this about? She opened her mouth to speak. “Are you sure, because I think you had been thinking about kissing me the whole time,” she said.

True that... but she was making fun of me. She was actually mocking me. Okay, miss, I thought. I’ll get you back for this. I smirked and saw her face expression changing to one of surprise. I grinned at her, and I could see that she was the one who looked worried now.  “You’re right, I was. And I still am,” I replied. Ella’s eyes widened and she looked shocked.

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