Chapter 42

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Chapter 42- Edward's POV

As I made my way down the stairs and towards Principal Barnes's office, I contemplated whether this was a good decision or not. It was hardly wise, I knew that, but I had to get it over with. And there is no better time like the present.

I had barely stopped outside the head's office, which was closed, when the door flew open and Mr Barnes himself walked out. My eyes widened. I had wanted to prepare myself mentally before speaking to him, and maybe prepare what I wanted to say. I attempted to be a coward and turn away, but he had already seen me.

"Good morning Edward," he said, smiling at me. "How was your weekend?"

I pictured Ella's lips on mine, and couldn't help but smile back. "Good, thank you. And you, sir?"

The principal nodded and said, "It was good, too. Did you want to speak to me? Since you were next to my office."

Someone cleared their throat, and I looked on my right to see John neatly dressed up in a mauve button-up shirt and gray jeans. His eyes moved from me to the principal, who forced a smile when he saw him. Mr Barnes had never liked John much, and he had started liking him much less when he had received the photo that Nathan had sent to him, of him and Ella. I had never gotten to know whether John knew that the principal did not like him, and found it too strange to ask him.

"Good morning John," the principal said.

"Morning," John mumbled, nodding at him. He turned to me as if to ask me what was going on, then turned his eyes back to the principal. Right on cue, the phone in the principal's office started ringing. He excused himself and went inside to answer it. John's eyes met mine after surveying Mr Barnes for a short moment.

"So," he said, putting both hands inside his front pockets. "What are you doing here?"

I shrugged. "I'm here to talk to the principal," I replied. "What about you?"

"What does he need to talk to you about?"

"I'm talking to him, not vice versa," I answered, looking at the door.

John raised his eyebrows so high that they almost met his hairline. "What about?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's nothing really." I didn't want to give him any details. Who knows what he would say about it all. After all, I did want to keep him away from Ella, so he didn't have to know we were back together. I tried changing the subject. "And you? Why are you here?"

John pursed his lips. "Well, you know that photo?" I nodded. How could I ever forget it? John continued speaking, "Apparently your stalker has sent a similar photo of you and Beth to him." He gestured towards Mr Barnes, "and he wants me to try and help him identify who sent them."

I sighed. I recalled Beth telling me that Mr Barnes had received a photo and that she was going to transfer as an excuse of it, but I had no idea that the matter was this serious. Oh well, screw it, I thought. I had more important things to worry about, like for example the fact that I was going to have to admit that I was in a relationship with a student, to my boss. Or else have someone else admit it for me.

 "It was Nathan though, right?" I asked John.

John nodded. "It was.. but I can't tell him that. He would want to know why Nathan would do it, and I can't really tell him that it was because he was angry for seeing me with Ella."

I glared at him at the mention off Ella's name. "It's not the same person who sent Beth and mine's photo, anyway," I said.

John's green eyes bore into mine, as if he were thinking. "How can you be so sure?" he asked me.

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