Chapter 53

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Chapter 53- Edward's POV 

For a moment I forgot how to breathe, and the words got stuck in my throat. Then I managed to nod. "Yes, of course," I answered. "Now?" The last word came out very off key, and I noticed the police in front of me eyeing me with suspicion. 

"Yes, now," he said. He was quite young, younger than I was anyway, with short dark brown hair, grey eyes and facial hair. He was taller than I was, and had piercing eyes, the kind that I knew would get me in trouble. Frankly,  he did not seem like a nice guy. He motioned the other police officer present in the room over, and folded his arms, as I he knew that he could make me suffer with his questions. I tried to stand still, even though I was visibly shaking. 

They led me to the side and the elder officer took out a notebook and a black pen and raised a bushy eyebrow.  "So what happened? Why did Mr Abbott and Miss Campbell bump into that tree?" 

I shrugged, trying to look as if I didn't know much about it. "They saw my car approaching, he panicked and steered the car to avoid a collision," I said, speaking of John. Hey, I wasn't lying. Not yet, anyway. 

"And why didn't you stop the car?" he asked in an accusatory tone. So far it seemed like my intuition had been correct: he wasn't nice, no.

"I was panicked too." I glared at the officer.

"And why would you be panicked?" the younger policeman asked. 

I glared at him as well. "Maybe because I wasn't expecting there to be another car in that narrow road?"

The two police eyed each other, as if to decipher whether I was telling the truth or not. "Do you know Mr Abbott and Miss Campbell personally apart from today's accident?"

I bit my lip, thinking of what to say if not the truth. But I had to go by the truth, because the police had the power to find it out elsewhere. "Yes. John's my ex colleague, and Ella is an ex student." 

"Ex? Did you stop working at the school?" I nodded and the officer continued. "When did you stop?"

And at that instant, I remembered that I was supposed to be at school for my last day. Technically, so were John and Ella. I gulped as I answered. "Today's my last day."

 "Interesting," the older policeman said, flicking open the page on his notebook. He wrote something down and looked back up at me. It was a good thing that I'd suppressed from rolling my eyes. "Why did you stop working at the school, if I may ask? And if today is your last day, why were you roaming around narrow streets instead of being at school?" 

"Nothing. Principal Barnes decided to transfer me, and it happened to be my last day today, yes. But I start school at ten today, so I had loads of time to roam around." I couldn't not lie now. I had to admit, I was feeling very uncomfortable. I had not wanted the police to be involved, but since I had had to take Ella and John to the hospital, I knew they would have to file a report about it. 

"Okay," the older one said, closing his notebook. "That's all for today. But we will be calling you into the police station for further questioning. After all, you caused an accident."

I resisted the urge to let slip a cocky comment, and merely nodded. I started turning away, when the younger officer called me once again. I turned. "The odds do not look in your favour, I have to tell you that," he said. 

I narrowed my eyes for the second time. "Why not?" I asked. 

"Because technically, you look as if you've caused this accident on purpose," he said. I glared at him. The name tag said Officer Michigan. Well, PC Michigan did not know how to keep his mouth shut. I'm pretty sure that a police officer is not allowed to hint certain things. 

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