Chapter 49

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Chapter 49- Ella's POV

My blood ran cold but I tried to appear as calm as possible. He was joking right? He had to be.I trusted John, I always had, there had never been a reason not to. Well, except maybe when I thought he was being a friend and he kissed me.

But that didn't matter. Especially not right now. 

"What?" I muttered. "You're kidding right?"

John chuckled. "Of course I am." 

I heaved a sigh of relief. "You had me scared for a second," I said, looking down. But when I looked back up, it wasn't the John I knew that I saw. It was the same John that I had witnessed just a minute ago, arms folded and eyebrows raised, and with an evil look on his face. My smile faltered and he smirked, realising. His next words confirmed everything.

"You know, Ella, for an eighteen year old you're still a bit of an idiot."

"What?" I managed to mumble.

John laughed, his green eyes glimmering. "What, haven't you heard anybody address you that way for a while, am I right? Edward treats you far too well." He paused, releasing his arms from his own grip. "Well, used to treat you well. As far as I can see, he's not here to help you now that you need help." He did not waste a moment, while still looking at me, he stood still and kicked the door closed with his heel. I inhaled, realising what his meant. There was no way I could exit this room now. 

 "Why would you think I'd be kidding? I don't lie, Ella, and you know that. I'm still the same person I was an hour ago, even though you may not see me in the same light."

I blinked. "I don't understand," I admitted. So it really had been him the whole time. He had played it well, made us trust him, made me fall for him, and then revelaed his identity at the perfect moment. He took me away from the world just to have me for himself and do whatever what he wanted without anyone interrupting him.

John shrugged. "No one ever does. That's the problem with humanity. They think they know what you are thinking, but they don't. You always have, haven't you?"

"Me?" I asked, stepping back. I bumped into a chair in the process. John wasn't smiling anymore, he looked more serious than I had ever seen him in my life. To stall for time, I took in what he was wearing. He was not in pyjamas, as anyone who has just gotten out of bed would be wearing, but no, he had a black zip up hoodie and dark blue jeans. I took a deep breath, realising that I had to face this reality. 

"Yeah, you. You saw me as Edward's friend, the one with no life and in a desperate need of a girlfriend." 

"Is that why you did this?" I whispered. 

He shook his head. "No. I made myself look that way on purpose, to see how you would see me. I thought you were different, Ella. But you're just like everyone else." 

"I'm not," I started protesting, but then figured that it was pointless discussing this here. The first thing that I needed to do was to get out of here. I decided to stall for time by asking the most basic question, but a dangerous one too. "So... did you really like me or was it all an act?"

 “Yes,” John said, looking away from me. “I actually did like you.” To my surprise, he seemed to be quite serious about this. 

“And?” I asked, taking a good look around the room to see how I could leave this miserable conversation with the stalker. But the only door which led to outside was the one I had entered through, which John had closed and was now standing in front of.

“And then you chose Edward. Like always, Edward gets everything.” John seemed distracted as he thought about it. Meanwhile I was regarding a window which was at the back. It was made of glass and aluminium, and looked like it had a handle which could be opened easily. I stepped closer, only to see that it had been bolted shut. Great.

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