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Epilogue- Ella's POV

Five years later

I made my way into the college, the place that had given me so many wonderful memories- and so many terrible ones too, and looked at the mirror in the hall. I was wearing a knee-length black lace dress, black stiletto heels, and a golden necklace given to me by the most important person in my life, for the occasion. My hair was curled, and my red and orange highlights had disappeared- I'd stopped dyeing my hair after a couple of years. The academic robe and cap I was wearing complemented my whole outfit. 

One of the days I'd waited for most in my life had arrived: Graduation Day. Today, I was going to graduate as an art history teacher. And from next week, I was going to start working at a college across town, a job which Principal Barnes had helped me get. 

Since I was on such good terms with the principal at my old college, he had also given me the opportunity to graduate in the college itself, together with my closest friend Nathan, who was graduating as an engineer. His graduation date was different from mine, but since his girlfriend Jessica- yes, they were still together- was working as a clerk at the school, he got to attend the ceremony as well. And since Principal Barnes wanted to be nicer than he usually was, he let me have three guests for my graduation instead of the usual two: my mother, Malcolm, and Edward- obviously. 

And it was Edward with whom I was happiest to share this moment with. We had been through so much together, and were as strong as ever; it was only fair that he would get the opportunity to see me make my dream come true. 

Since then, life had become better. Okay, the rumours had gone on for quite some time when I had returned to school, and even when I'd started attending the new college, but that was expected. I was teased and people looked at me awkwardly, but I chose to ignore it, and focus on my studies. I hadn't done anything wrong by being with Edward. And when he stopped being my teacher, we could make the relationship public, and not care about being seen together, because everyone knew. Eventually, people got tired of the rumours and started realizing that you just can't judge someone by something you heard about them, or for one thing that they did in their life. And it all worked out well. 

As if on cue, I felt someone grab my waist, and someone whisper against my ear, "You look perfect." I smiled, knowing that voice all too well, and turned around. 

"Hey," I said softly, looking into his blue eyes, which reminded me of the waves crashing the sea on a wonderful sunny day. I regarded him slowly. He was wearing a smart dark blue suit, a white shirt and a light pink tie. I fingered the pink tie. "I've never seen you wearing pink," I added. 

He smirked. "It's to match your robe," he replied, and I felt myself blush. Since I'd graduated in the arts, I got to wear a robe with a pink lining. It was so thoughtful of him to wear a tie to match. 

"That's so sweet," I said, running my index finger down his suit. I beamed at him. "This is great." It was funny to think that I'd chosen almost the same profession as Edward, but I hadn't done it because of him. I loved the subject, and what better way to embrace it than by teaching it to other people? 

Edward nodded. "I know! And it will be even be even better when they call out your name and you'll go up on that stage." He squeezed my hand and grinned at me. "Let's go inside now, or we'll miss the beginning of the ceremony," he said. 

"As if," I scoffed. Like Barnes would begin the ceremony without us being present. 

Edward chuckled and slid an arm around my shoulder. "Let's go," he said. We walked into the great hall, and parted ways after sharing a quick kiss. I went to the side of the graduates, and Edward went to the section where family members were. I squinted to locate my family. Ah, there they were, my mum and brother, with Edward. I flashed them a huge smile before I took my seat. This was amazing.

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