Ryan's Little Sister

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~Ryan's POV~

"God dammit Ryan!" Michael yelled out.

"What?" I smile innocently into the microphone. I feel Michael's angry glare attack my back.

"You mother fucker."

"You are going to have to be more specific."

"What did Ryan do now?" Geoff asked oblivously.

"He fucking killed me just after I spawned! I was up for three fucking seconds!" Everyone bursted into laughter.

"Not my fault you ran on a sticky bomb."

"It is if it's YOUR sticky bomb!"

"Anyone find Ryan yet?" Geoff asked. We were playing GTA, and screwing around with a 5 minute map-taking-off function.

"I found Gavin." Ray says, and a squeal from Gavin is given in response.

"Ryan, were the fuck are you?" Jack asks.

"Umm..." The five minutes are up, and my dot shows up on the map. Geoff starts cracking up.

"Where is he Geoff?" Jack asks as Ray checks the map.

"Well, fuck." Ray bluntly comments. "He is in the fucking corner." Everyone opens up the map.

"How the hell did you get there?" Michael asks.

"Jet skis are very useful." I vaguely respond. I equip my character with a rocket launcher and watch the map. All of them seem scattered, and slowly making their way, except for Gavin, his dot is double the speed of others.

"Gavin, you've been quiet." I slyly mention.

"Well, I don't want to flub this." The british man answers.

"Flub what?" I say, Gavin now on the minimap, but I couldn't see him in the water.

"THIS!" Gavin yells, and a plane dives and gets thrusted into the water beside the jet ski. I start laughing.

"What happened?" Michael asks, curious.

I try to control my laughter to answer. "Gavin tried to kill me with a plane, but he missed!" Everyone starts laughing, and I don't even have to look at the brit to know he is embarassed.

Another three minutes pass and Geoff and Jack where the only ones who tried to attack. Tried, being the key word.

"Dammit, just die dipshit!" Michael says after Jacks death message pops up.

"Never!" I call out. "The Mad King will not be killed!" I spin my character around on the jet ski in a victorious manor. The others start talking about teaming up, and I am tempted to listen, but my phone buzzes. I pick it up and smile, a text from Dylan, my little sister. I unlock my phone and read it.

Hey Rye, plane just landed. You in the middle of a Let's play?

I frown, and type my response.

Yeah, but I can pick you up now if you want.

I check the minimap, no one nearby. I look back to my buzzing phone.

What Let's Play are you doing?

The guys are trying to kill me in GTA

Checked the minimap, the guys seem clustered together. Michael yells at Gavin.

Then you better win. Do it or I will be mad at you.

Please, this is your big brother we are talking about.

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