Jack's Little Sister

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Wattpad was a bitch, and deleted pretty much half the chapter. After going Michael Ragequit Jones on Wattpad, I finished it in a rush. Apologies.

For Gavin_and_Michael, just because they named Jack's sister. And also they are one of my first fans. Go you!

~Jack's POV~

I was eating a doughnut when Geoff came through, and I could tell that something was on his mind.

"Hey Jack?"


"You know the new Trials game coming out?" I swallow and turn to him, wondering what he was implying.

"Trials, Reborn?" I ask him. "I may know a few things about it."

"Well, Burnie wants to make a lifestream the day it is realeased. Guess who gets to be on it?"

"Anyone but me." I turn back to my doughnut, but I sigh as Geoff starts talking again. I mean, god, just let me eat my doughnut. I got it for a reason, let that reason be eating it.

"What do you mean? You can't play Trials?"

"I can't play Trials Reborn."

"You're gonna have to tell me why." Geoff says with an annoyed tone. I sigh in defeat.

"I always play my first game of a new Trials with my sister. Easy as that."

"Then just have her in the livestream, idiot." Before I can say anything, Geoff's phone starts buzzing and he checks it, a look of surprise on his face as he rushes out of the room. I turn back to my delicious doughnut-

"You're not getting out of that."

Goddamnit! Just let me eat my fucking doughnut!

Okay, I may have a problem.

"I'm not trying to get out of it."

"Then what are you trying to do?" Ryan questions.

"Eat this doughnut!" I take an enormous bite and turn away from him. He chuckles as he turns back to his screen.

~Your/Jill's POV~

Ah, Friday. One of the best days of the week. Especially since Friday was often releases for video games. And today was no different. Trials Reborn was the newest game in the Trials series, and Trials was you and your brothers favorite game. You and Jack made a pact to play every new Trials game together first.

And then everything tends to turn to shit on Fridays.

Your phone rang, and when you check it, it's Jack.


"Hey Jack, what's up?"


"Is work gonna interfere with our plans?"

"In the worst possible way ever."

"We can always resechedual." You assure.

"I can't, they are forcing me to play Trials tonight in a Livestream." And there's the shit.

"Awh, well, we can always do it some other time. It doesn't have to be the first time." You try your best to hide your dissapointment, but Jack has always known you better than anyone.

"No. I want to play it with my sister before I do anything else."

"Well, I'm not off work until seven, I don't know when your livestream starts."

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