Michael's Twin

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~Michael's POV~

"I am fucking telling you, I have a twin sister!" I yelled, slamming my X-Box 360 on my desk. I was beyond frustrated, and when I am frustrated, I tend to get pissed.

"Then why wasn't she at your wedding?" Gavin spun around in his chair lazily.

"I don't fucking know, maybe she had other plans!"

"Who had other plans?" Geoff asks when he walks in the office with a beer. He sees the camera in Lindsay's hands and shakes his head.

"Micool's 'twin sister.' You know, the one he doesn't have?" He puts the air quotes around 'twin sister' and I really want to tackle him.

"I don't get why you don't fucking believe me. I have an older brother, and a twin sister." I state.

"Yeah, but you talked about your brother before, and he was at the wedding." Gavin retaliates. "Lindsay, you have seen her, right?"

"I actually haven't." Lindsay says and I stare enraged at the camera.

"What if she came to Texas? Huh? Would that make you happy you smug little bitch?" I retorted at Gavin.

"Yeah, it would Micool." Gavin shoots back.

"Fine, in fact, I will call her right now!"

"Good!" Gavin replies as I pick up my phone and look through the contacts. Finally, I land on her contact. Abbigal Jones. Why the hell is her full name in here? I press dial and hold the phone to my ear. I soon realize that I'm stiff, and praying that she picks up.

One ring, Two, Three, Four.

"This is Abby, shoot."

"Abby, it's me, Michael." I look in the camera when I say it. Luckily I have it quiet enough were the camera won't pick up the conversation. I soon realize that Abby isn't speaking.

"What do you fucking need Michael." I sense a tone of hostility in her voice. "I have fucking work to do."

"Good to hear from you too, I was wondering if you can come down to Austin."

"Ahh, you're in Texas. Why? Do you need bail money, because I swear to god-"

"I just need you to come down to Texas, say, for a weekend?"

"Michael Jones," There is a slight pause "You are so fucking lucky I have paid vacation days."

"Cool, see you Friday." I say.

"Bye dickhead." Abby replies, then hangs up.

"So how much are you paying a random girl to come down here?" Geoff asks, and I angerly stick up my middle finger at him.

~You/Abby's POV~

You stare at the screen, bewildered.

Call end: Michael Jones

You haven't seen Michael in fucking years, even his name sounds foreign to you now. You just can't believe you still have his fucking phone number.

"Chica, is that car done yet?" You hear your boss, Felixandrio Hernandez Something Something Something, yelling for you.

"Almost done!" You yell back, shoving your phone into a pocket of your coveralls.

~Friday, 9:17 A.M.~

Im off the fucking plane.

I told you, im here.

You better fucking be.

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