Gavin's Twin

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~Gavin's POV~

"Gavin, stop fucking bouncing." Michael ordered in a hostile manner.

"I can't my boi, I am just so bloody excited." I respond, continuing to bounce.

"I get it, your sister is coming to visit, you're fucking excited. You haven't seen here since you moved to Austin. We all fucking know."

"Micool, this isn't just my sister, this is my other half! My twin! I get to miss her, and I get to be excited!"

"Hey Gavin," Geoff began. "If she is your other half, does this half have the brains?" The room erupted in laughter, but I didn't mind.

"Make all the jokes you want. You won't bring me down today!" I smiled into my computer screen, loading up Minecraft for the Let's Play.

"Did Gavin really just give us an open invitation to make fun of him?" Ray asked, and everyone else just laughed harder.

"Awh, nobs..." I quietly muttered to myself. But I was determind to keep up my cheerful additude.

"Okay, Gav, we won't make fun of you anymore than we usually do during the Let's Play as long as you chill the fuck out." Geoff stated while he grabbed a beer from the mini-fridge in the office.

"Fine, but only for shooting, and AHWU later doesn't count!" I countered.

"I can agree to that, considering she doesn't get in for another week." Geoff agreed.

"Hey Geoff?"

"Yeah Michael?"

"Can I take this week off?" And the room was off laughing again, trying to calm down enough to start the capture.

~Yours/Lacey's POV~

"Gavvy, My plane has landed, are you here?"

"I am here, but we are outside."


"Geoff and I."

"Right, you still can't drive."

"You can insult me all you want, but I am still going to tackle you when I see you."

"I didn't insult you Gavvy, and you need to calm down. I will be here all week."

"Wot are you talking about? I am perfectly calm."

"Wot am I talking about? I know for a fact you are bouncing in Geoff's car." You smile into the phone as silence takes over on the other side.

"I'm not bouncing."

"Sure Gavvy. What color is Geoff's color?"

"Dark grey. Grab your luggage and 'urry up!"

"Bye Gavvy!" You say, hanging up and putting your phone into your carry-on. You grab your suitcase and pull it off the rotating platforms. Walking confidently, you roll your bags out of the airport. Once outside, you glance up and down the curb for Gavin and Geoff.

You sigh, already feeling the humidity againts your skin. You were wearing a light grey t-shirt with the UK flag on it, vintage style, black exercise shorts, and black ballet flats. Your blonde, naturally curly hair is in a simple bun. You grab the handle of your rolling suitcase and walk down the curb.

You walk past a couple dark grey cars, but not one has a bouncy Gavvy in it. You soon realize that you are bloody excited as well. You feel a smile on your face form and you walk a little faster, wanting to see your brother again.

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