Element of Surprises! 🥷

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{A Halloween oneshot I wrote on a whim after my Bible test when I had some free time left in class XD}

Cole and Lloyd were finishing setting up a haunted house for the others. Not that everyone else knew, of course. They were just out running some errands for candy and last-minute decorations, right? But whoops! They had to go to 5 different stores and they were all so crowded! They'd probably be late getting home, then.

At least that was their cover story for when they headed back home in a little bit. "Finished with my part!" Cole called from his position up in the air. He floated back down and stepped back to admire his handiwork. The decorations were harder for him to set up because of his ghostly form, but he managed just fine.

"Nice work! Now let's finish this last scare at the end and we can head back to the Bounty before trick-or-treating." Lloyd said and Cole nodded. Their last scare was something sure to frighten the rest of their team so badly, these two jokers might never be allowed out of their friends' sight again. It had to stay a secret though, otherwise, it wouldn't be as fun.

An hour later, their cover story told, candy bagged to hand out, and costumes changed into, the team was ready to set out. Tonight they'd be doing a reverse trick-or-treat, going out to kids and giving them little bags of candy instead of waiting for them to come to the Bounty (which was always moving around anyway, so it would be hard to find).

Jay and Nya were dressed to match, going as Frankenstein and his bride. Jay used some of his nuts and bolts to make it look real and Nya helped him apply the green paint to his face. He'd returned the favor, of course. They looked fabulous!

Zane and Pixal were also matched but in a more subtle way. The sun and moon, to be exact. Pixal being the sun and Zane the moon. He'd recycled one of his old gis and used his ice to freeze it into the shape he needed it to be. Pixal used her science-y ways to get her costume looking nice and they were so excited to go together!

Kai and Skylor were last. They didn't "match" match, they'd both just dressed in leather jackets and sunglasses to look like motorcyclists. That was what they would wear in real life anyway and plus, they weren't the matchy-matchy type.

Cole was dressed as a pirate. Captain Hook, to be exact. He even found an old stuffed parrot that wouldn't fall through his shoulder and added it to his ensemble at the last minute.

Lloyd was the last to enter. He was going as what he went as last year (or at least what he would've if the Tomorrow's Tea hadn't splashed on him)... a green dragon, complete with green "flames" from his energy balls.

After all the ooh-ing and ahh-ing over costumes, they set out. Every time they'd see a kid go by, they'd stop them to give them some candy. The delight on their faces was so evident that the team smiled every time. Eventually, the candy ran out and they decided to head back home for the night and binge on candy and scary movies. Well, everyone except for two. Cole and Lloyd were trailing at the back of the group and nodded at each other.

"Hey guys, let's not head back quite yet. I heard some rumors about this sick new haunted house that's opening up tonight in a few minutes." Cole mentioned, trying to seem casual as he brought it up. "Wanna go check it out?" Lloyd agreed, which led the others to agree as well. What else did they have to do tonight? It was past bedtime for most kids and now the teens and adults were starting to come out to claim the rest of the night for themselves.

One of the perks of being a ghost was not having to actually walk, which Cole was grateful for right now. Once they arrived to the house, everyone was struggling to catch their breath a bit. "Where's everyone else? I thought you said this was a big opening." Kai asked suspiciously and raised an eyebrow, crossing his arms.

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