The Realm Above--Part 3/4 🥷

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Zane POV

Was I dead? Alive? I opened my eyes and saw... everything. I saw colors, people, places, and objects. I heard sounds and words too. Time spun around me, almost tangible as I tried to touch it. But I was not. I was formless, limitless. I gasped as my memories flooded back to me.


Food flew across the room.




Kai grabbed a plate of shrimp and tossed it at Jay and Nya. They ducked and retaliated by hurling rolls back at him. Salad toppings and mini-muffins were getting chucked at Cole and he tried to catch them in his mouth, only to be met with one to the nose.

They were all laughing, even Sensei, but I didn't see what was so funny. The food was wasted, and everything was messy. Oh, well. Wait, what was that outside? I'd better go check...


Punch, kick, spin, kick.

That was the rhythm I had to keep in order to defeat these Serpentine. Jay was shouting witty quips while Kai was being sassy. Cole roared and slammed his Scythe on the ground, making the earth shake under our feet. I threw a shuriken at a stunned Constrictai, and he froze into a popsicle. It wasn't long before we had defeated all the rest, and we high-fived. We headed back to the ship and had some fun.


Many more came in rapid succession, one after another, so fast I couldn't keep up with them. How could I have forgotten? I had been so caught up with Father that I had totally forgotten about my family back in Ninjago!

As soon as I thought this, I saw something else. It was a blurry, small form of... P.I.X.A.L.?! {A/N: Sorry, yeah, me again. Um, I don't know why I wrote her name like that...? I guess I was just trying to be accurate, lol} My love! I rushed forward to touch her, and my whole body went through the little window. I tried to put my hand on her shoulder, but it went through! She lifted her head and looked around, and then towards me. Then through me.

"My heart! Can you hear me?" I asked her desperately. She didn't seem to hear me or even see me at all. When I tried to touch her again, I was put into her eyes.

P.I.X.A.L./Zane POV

We were one with one another, one body, one soul. We were overcome with sadness for his death. We couldn't cry, but we had an idea to help him. We had to go start it!

Zane POV

I was thrown out of her head and I watched as she suddenly stood up and turned towards the machine room, as though she had an idea.

I watched as she quickly faded away and another picture replaced it. I saw... my family! Kai, Nya, Lloyd, Cole, Jay, Sensei Wu, Misako, and Sensei Garmadon! They were all walking to the ship on the iced-over city sidewalks. I ran up to them and yelled each of their names, but like P.I.X.A.L., none responded. The most reaction they had was to look around and settle vaguely around where I was but never seemed to clearly hear or see me.

I thought of earlier when I had seen through P.I.X.A.L.s eyes and ran up to Cole's arm and grazed it with my hand.


"Go Ninja!! GO!!!" We watched Zane die and felt a tremor as we ducked under a sewer cap to prevent from getting hit by hail.

Later, we were looking for his body and felt heavy guilt and shame. It should've been us, not him. We found a piece of his face and held it close in remembrance...


I was in shock. I never meant to cause my brothers so much pain. I didn't even know what to think. Suddenly, a sharp pain ripped through my body and I crumpled to the ground for the second time that day.

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