Xmas Wishes #2: Promise? Promise. ⚡️☺️

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{Set somewhere between season 6 and 7.}

~~~ 3 weeks before Christmas Day ~~~

Today was the day! Everyone would be getting their Secret Santa partner and Jay had a plan in mind. No matter what everyone else got, he would make sure he got Nya's name on his paper! He had a surprise that would be PERFECT and he'd been planning for weeks, even before their annual Secret Santa game was planned and executed.

"Jay, you get first pick. Take your slip." Nya shuffles the paper slips in the hat and holds it out with a smile. With a nervous smile, Jay grabs the top slip and opens it while she moves on to the next person. Nya. Perfect! He grinned and shoved it in his pocket. "Alright everyone, you've got your names. 3 weeks! It can't be over $10, remember that," Nya told everyone before they drifted off to do their own thing.

Later that day, Jay was doing some thinking. Maybe he should get Kai's thoughts on what he wanted to get Nya...even if he might get pounded for it. Yeah. He should at least pitch it to him. Decision made, he sought out the hothead ninja. He found him in the dojo, going through some katas with his katana. Jay tapped on the dojo door and stepped in. "Kai? I've got a question to ask you. It's about Nya's Secret Santa gift..."

~~~ time skip ~~~

Well. That actually went alright. Better than he thought, at least. Jay was grinning when he came out of the dojo. Now, all he had to do was find the materials, build it, perfect it, prepare a card... it was a lot to do in 3 weeks. Suddenly realizing how much was actually on his plate now, his eyes widened and he rushed to the bridge to draw up a blueprint.

~~~ Back to Nya ~~~

After everyone else had drawn, Nya took the last one. Jay. That would be easy! She already had an idea. But would he like it? That was the question. Either way, she had to get started right away so she'd have time to finish. She smiled thinking about what his reaction would be.

~~~ 2 weeks before Christmas Day ~~~

The week flew by and Jay was rushing around all week. Not like that was abnormal, but still. Everyone was quite busy, actually, considering it was 2 weeks until Christmas. Master Wu had postponed their training until after Christmas, so now their days were filled with visits to Ninjago City, entertaining themselves on the ship, or enjoying nature around them in the Forest of Tranquility.

Nya was noticing an increase in Jay's nervous habits, and so was everyone else. Kai wasn't sure how to feel about Jay's request. His "Nya's Older Brother" side was extremely protective and wanted to pound Jay into dust, but the "Ninja Brother" side of him {we all know he's just a big softie and an all-around Brother Figure} was excited and glad Jay was finally getting serious enough to consider it.

Jay spent the whole week gathering the supplies he needed for Kai to help him with. He and Spark (his dragon) scoured all around the Cliffs of Hysteria (yeah, yeah, I know it's from Prime Empire. Just roll with it) for the iron and silver he needed from his sketch. It was a simple image, but important to him. He had to get it right! Finally, at the end of the week, he had enough to present to Kai. Kai took the pile of ore and used the forge in the courtyard when everyone else was gone into the city to make the item. It took almost a whole week but he and Jay were pretty satisfied a week later when the details were settled.

At least Jay was too busy with his own project to notice Nya's little game of snooping she'd been doing. She hadn't had all the pieces she needed for her project, so she'd had to go through Jay's trunk and take what she needed. It wasn't a big deal but she still felt like she was doing something wrong, so she didn't want to get caught anyway.

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