Xmas Wishes #3: On the 12th Day of Christmas, I Got 12 Ninjas...Ninja-ing?🥷

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~~~ Somewhere up on the Mountain Of A Million Steps ~~~

The Ninja team was finishing their round of Christmas presents. There was wrapping paper, empty candy wrappers, new clothes, containers of food, anything you can think of was lying somewhere in the common room. Probably on the floor. They were about to call it quits and start cleaning up (courtesy of Wu, sipping from his new mug in his chair), when Lloyd drew their attention to a set of 6 matching gift bags under the tree.

"Hey! Look!" The Green Ninja lived up to his name as he disappeared, crawling under the tree in pursuit of the mysterious bags. He finally emerged, holding 6 green bags with differently colored ribbons on them. Blue, red, purple, orange, yellow, and black. "They say, uh..." Lloyd peered at the names while trying not to trip over the mountains of gifts around him. "Me... Kai... Zane... Jay... Cole... and Nya." He handed each person their bag and sat down with his.

"It doesn't have a sender name. Anybody know who sent these?" He asked. Everyone shook their heads. He shrugged. "Oh well. Let's open them!" Everyone ripped the tissue paper out of their bags. In each of them was a turtle-themed gift.

"Wow. Uh, thanks?" Jay definitely did not sound thankful. He got a green picture frame with purple hearts on the outside. On the back was a purple mask and in the frame was a crumpled slip of paper with 'A+D <3' written on it. The whole thing was quite tacky, to say the least.

"These are such lame gifts!" Kai scowled and tossed the tissue paper aside. "At least I know it wasn't one of you bozos who got me this thing." He rolled his eyes and pulled out a pair of sais and a mini hockey stick, obviously with a puck. Of course, the sai had a red mask logo on each handle and the hockey stick had a mini puck with a skull mask.

Zane raised an eyebrow but otherwise kept his face passive while he calmly took the paper out and set it aside. "They certainly are... unique." He smiled politely and pulled out his object--a green notebook with a purple mask emblem in the center, complete with a matching purple pen. 'Lab Observations. Top Secret! Mikey Stay Out!' It said on the front.

Cole rolled his eyes. "You guys are being such drama queens." He pulled his gift out--a green cookbook with an orange mask in the center. 'Dr. Chefenstein's Recipee Bok!' read the title. Cole scoffed. "Why does EVERYONE feel the need to insult my cooking?!" He huffed and dropped the book back into the bag.

Kai laughed. "NOW you see how it feels big dude!"

Lloyd grinned at his friends as they started to wrestle playfully and tore his bag open. His face turned into a puzzled expression as he pulled his gift from the paper. A green jar of tea powder with a blue mask logo on the silver lid. "Hamato Yoshi's Cure-All Remedy. Recipe from Japan, made December 22, 1965," Lloyd read from the label on the front. He shook it and looked through the opaque green glass. "It's only half-full. Like it was used recently. That's weird."

Nya was the last one to open her gift. Her eyes widened and she grinned. "Well, at least MINE is pretty AND useful!" A glittering silver tessen was pulled from the bag. A white 5 on top of a yellow square was painted on the handle. "Huh. Look, they all have symbols on them." Nya pointed out.

Except when she did, the sky darkened instantly outside, leaving the room in total darkness. A loud CRACK! filled the air and for a second everything was quiet...

Then everyone started talking at once and moving around, trying to find someone else. "EVERYONE JUST SHUT UP!!" Kai shouted after a few seconds and soon the room was illuminated with a flame hovering from each of his palms. "Everyone alright?" When everyone nodded, he continued. "Let's--"

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