Broken Promises (TW) ⚡️⚠️ 😭

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{A/N: Trigger warning! There will be actions of su!c!de/sacrificial actions that lead to de@th! If that makes you uncomfortable, skip this story, please!! It's...pretty dark, tbh. Probably—yeah, no, definitely—the darkest thing I've ever written. Y'all know I'm usually a fluffy writer, so... read with caution!}


Narrator: One peaceful night on the Bounty, our favorite ninja couple are sleeping safe and sound in their shared bed. In his sleep, Jay has become the big spoon even though Nya stole all the blankets. However, this isn't a story of how they decide sleeping arrangements. I'm here to tell you why you should be concerned for this sleepy couple. I'll go ahead and let you read on now...

Jay tightened his grip around Nya's waist and his eyes squeezed shut tighter. A quiet whimper slipped out from between his lips every few seconds. In front of him, Nya clenched and unclenched her fists rapidly and her head whipped back and forth. They were both trapped in the same nightmare.

Narrator: Now, let me go ahead and skip ahead a bit to save you the trouble of reading through a whole "what are we doing here?" scenario. I know you just want to get to the good stuff, so villain encounter... here we go!

Nadakhan's face turned up into what could've passed for a smile on any other being, but on him looked like a snarl. "You and I all know this is no ordinary dream. What happens to your bodies here... happens to your bodies back home." He waved his hand and a ball of smoke appeared, showing their fitful bodies in bed back home.

"Now, back to the matter at hand." He dispelled it before they could get a good look. "I won't waste your little time with details. I was in the Cloud Kingdom, on... business, when I caught a glimpse of your futures. An extremely powerful child was to come from your bloodline. One that would kill anyone who was "evil", according to his standards. And where was I, you ask? I was on the top of the list. He wanted revenge for his precious parents, also killed by me." He growled and zipped closer, snarling in their faces. "So, to make matters even better for me, I've decided to simply eliminate one of you."

Gasps from Jay and Nya alike made him grin sadistically and float back, out of their immediate reach. He had them chained with fists in Vengestone anyway, so they couldn't do anything. One of each hand was connected to the other's between them, while the other hand was pinned on the opposite side of their heads.

"Now, I won't tell you which one. I'll let you decide and see if I'm right. If you are, one of you walks away. If you aren't, both of you will stay here. Easy for me to win." He raised an eyebrow and smirked. He had them cornered.

"You have 30 minutes. The answer must be given immediately when I ask, or you will both suffer from worse than death." He released their chains and slammed the door shut.

"Anything funny can and will immediately be taken care of. Do not make me regret taking these chains off for even a second. This whole chamber is Vengestone, so don't get any ideas."

As soon as they were released, Jay reached forward and tugged Nya into a giant hug. He felt something hard press against his chest and looked down. "Your Yang medallion." He fingered the metal gently, then dug into his pocket and pulled his out to put on.

"And your Yin," Nya answered through a sheen of teary eyes. "But that won't help us now. What are we going to do? We can't take him down with no powers. Even if we did escape, we're trapped in a dream."

"I... I don't know." Jay admitted with a sigh and pulled her back into a tight hug while he stroked her black locks. Her hair was so lovely when she wore it down like this. Too bad he wouldn't be around to see it much longer. He was already forming a plan... One he knew Nya wouldn't like. "Listen, we can negotiate a deal here." He started out carefully.

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