Jay's Letter ⚡️ ☺️

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{To counteract the angstiness I just gave you, allow me to give you some fluff!}


Jay tapped his pencil on the paper and brought it to his lip to chew on the stubby end again. Perfect! This letter had to be perfect!

Dear Nya,

If you're reading this, it's for one of two reasons:

1. The guys gave it to you after snitching through my stuff. Or I'm probably dead after dying a heroic death saving Ninjago!

2. I finally got up the courage to give it to you to tell you everything I feel about you I couldn't say out loud.

Hopefully it's the second!

Anyway, here goes!

I've loved you since the day I met you. No, even before that. I was just waiting for you to come along so I could finally find you and tell you!

I know it's taken way too long to say, but I'm finally writing this so you'll know.
I love you with everything I am and then some. I can't imagine a day without you and if there is one I'm absolutely miserable! I don't ever want to spend another day without being by your side. I can never tell you how much I adore you and that's why I tell you every day! So I can at least get close!

I don't know why you chose me of all guys, seeing as I'm a funky redhead from a junkyard, but I'm glad you did! You always give me so much more than I deserve and that's why I try every single day to at least try to pay it back to you!

I'll never quite live up to being as amazing as you but I'm going to try!

Why haven't I said this before? Because every time I try, you smile at me and I melt. My tongue gets heavy and my hands get sweaty and I just have to leave. So I hope you'll take this now and maybe someday...

We can go further.  :)

I'll love you til the moon falls into the ocean, my Water Lily.

Love forever,

Jay xoxo

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