reVENGE Is Best Served Cold ⚡️ 😭

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{Some background info: hydroelectricjaya had a little plot bunny in The Jaya Discord about a "Vengestone Buyer" and what would happen if that was Jay. So, at the end of hers, Jay is found holding a glass of Vengestone (like a smoothie 😂) and Nya tries to stop him. He wanted to drink it so he wouldn't hurt Nya anymore—his powers had gone out of control but I forgot why 😂 Okay, now onward!

Oh! One last thing (sorry)! If you join The Jaya Discord from , you can help me pick prompts to write these! I usually write 1~2 a week, so you'll have quite a say!

NOW onward! Sorry, that was long!}


It all started when... well... Nya didn't really know. All she knew for certain was Jay had an absurd amount of Vengestone in his hands right now. A pit of dread settled in her stomach and she knew if she didn't get that glass away from him, bad things would happen.

"Jay, no! Please!" She begged him, tears already forming when she saw his sad smile.

"I'm sorry. It has to be like this so I don't hurt you anymore." Jay tossed the cup back, the thick black liquid pouring into his mouth at an alarming rate. Before Nya could move, he swallowed and the reaction was instant. He gasped and his eyes flew open. The cup dropped and shattered on impact, sending black liquid spurting over the wooden floorboards. A thud an instant later signaled the Master of Lightning's body hitting the ground, shaking as if being shocked from the inside.

"Jay!" Nya screeched, pressing her hands to her mouth to choke back a sob. "Guys!" She shouted and rushed forward to get to Jay. She avoided as much of the black as possible, but it was hard with it being splattered all over his shirt and the floor.

Seconds after her shout, Kai shot through the door. Instantly, he spotted Jay, still shaking, and his eyes widened. "What happened?!" He knelt down next to Nya, who had pulled his head onto her lap, and went to brush the goop off his jacket.

"Don't! It's Vengestone powder!" Nya shrieked when Kai started to sweep some off. He yanked his hands back and looked incredulously at her.

"Then why are YOU touching him?! We need to get him help!" Kai asked as the rest of their team came streaking through with worried expressions. A pandemonium of noises broke out as they scrambled to clean up Jay, the floor, and get him to a hospital.

All the while, Nya grabbed Jay's pale, cold, sweaty hand and squeezed. "I'm not letting you leave me that easily." She whispered determinedly to his shaking body. His skin was growing colder by the second, she noted with concern.

Soon, they were swept away by a sea of medics that had conveniently been passing the area a few minutes away. When they came in and zeroed in on Jay, they gave each other concerned glances.

"Ma'am, we'll need to take the patient in our vehicle. We would appreciate it if-"

Nya gave them a death glare and pulled him closer to her, signaling 'I'm not going anywhere without him'. They agreed to let her ride with him and they were off.

Now that they were off to the hospital, Jay seemed to be getting worse. Sweat beads danced across his forehead, his skin would flush and pale at random spots, and shivers continued to wrack his body as his eyelids fluttered frantically.

Nya wished she could comfort him so, so badly. He still hadn't squeezed her hand back, which was their code if things got bad. Pained groans escaped from his blue-tinted lips, which were cold to the touch, even though it was the middle of July.

A sudden scream from Jay broke her study of his features. His eyes flew open, his back arched, and lightning shot from all over him, zapping Nya in the process as it traveled from his hand to hers. She yanked her hand away before she got too much of a shock and watched in horror as lightning arched out from his chest to random points of his body.

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