Little did you know

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(Trigger warning!!! This chapter has slurs and bullying!!! Skip if you need to!)

You and Luna have been dating for a couple months at this point, and you can't help but notice that she's been acting a bit off recently. She's been eating less, talking about different things than usual, and straight up skipping classes. Something has got to be wrong with her.

Thinking about all this distracts you from your surroundings, so much that you accidentally run into someone in the corridor. "I am so sorry!" You say, helping them pick up their books they dropped. A pale hand swats yours away.

"I don't need your help you dyke." Draco. Of all people, it had to be Draco. "By the way, you might want to check up on your little play thing. I heard someone's been bothering her." With that he walks away, leaving you kneeling alone like an idiot in the hallway.

What did he mean by that? Who's heartless enough to hurt Luna? Well... a lot of people are. She's dealt with bullying since her mom died when she was nine. So why is Draco getting to her so bad? You need to find her. Now. Potions class can wait.

You awkwardly stand up, avoiding the judging gazes of your classmates, and walk into the nearest restroom to collect your thoughts. Before you can though, you hear a small, suppressed sniffle, like someone trying to cry without anyone hearing. This isn't Moaning Myrtal's bathroom though...

You look around to see that one of the stall doors is closed. You decide to quickly knock on it before you can convince yourself to just leave them alone. As soon as you do, you hear someone getting up off the ground. The door opens and you see none other than your lovely girlfriend.

Her hair is a mess, she has tear streaks all down her face, and her eyes are puffy and red. "Darling..." Is all you can get out before she collapsed in a heap into your welcoming arms.

"I-I can't take it-t any-m-more y-n!" She cries. Luna is generally really laid back and quiet, so seeing her completely lose control of her emotions like this breaks your heart. You gently pet her wavy blonde hair to comfort her.

"It's alright Love. I'm here. Nothing they say matters, okay? They don't really know you. They feed off the misery of others. If they really knew you, god knows they wouldn't treat you like this. You're perfect in every way, and you deserve the world. However, I can't provide all that. I will however, bring you chocolate or cuddles or movies whenever you need it, okay? Just pleeeaaase tell me when something is wrong. You're the strongest person I know, but no one can carry all the weight that you have been forced to alone. I'm always here to help, even if you just need to talk."

She draws a ragged breath before saying, "O-okay... I will. Draco and his friends... they're getting worse. They don't just call my 'looney Lovegood' anymore. They've been h-hiding my things, calling me slurs, and saying that I don't deserve friends or happiness because 'why should crazy faggots with a messed up family deserve anything other than what we give them?' A-and pranking me.. and I don't know how much longer I can t-take it y/n! It seems like you're the only good this in the entire world. I didn't want to find you to talk to you because they took my shoes, so I felt embarrassed leaving my dorm. I finally got them back, but they they found me in the hall..."

You pull away slightly and lightly lift her chin so she's looking at you. "Nothing they say is true. As for the pranks and stealing, I think I have a plan for that. For now though, do you want to come to my dorm? It should be empty."

"Anywhere with you, y/n." You guys walk together to your common room, hand in hand. When you get there, you find Luna's favorite book.

"I haven't read it yet. Do you want to read it together?" You ask her.

"That would be lovely." She answers, all pain and sorrow from earlier melting away. You pick the chair closest to the fire, and you two cuties cuddle and read until everyone's classes are over. "I don't want to leave you... Luna says, sleepily, "but I don't think I'm allowed to stay..." You can tell she's already dozing off.

You decide that breaking the rules every once in a while is fine, but only in the situation calls for it. This one definitely does. You pull her a bit closer, putting the book down. "It's alright, no one will snitch."

You guys were both at peace despite the noise of the common room going on around you. You could barely hear anything other than your beloved's heartbeat. At that moment, nothing mattered but the steady rhythm of her breath. The soft rise and fall of her chest. The way her head felt rested in the crook of your neck. Her beautiful face, bright with light from the fire, every feature perfectly calm and content regardless of what happened earlier that day. Luna was the only thing that mattered. She was your universe, your everything. Soon, you both fell asleep with perfectly happy, content, peaceful smiles on your faces.

At that moment you knew what real, genuine, perfect love felt like. It feels like home. Luna is your home.

(906 words)

Love that's worth it isn't easy (Luna X reader)Where stories live. Discover now