Mistakes get made

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(The image has nothing to do with the chapter, I just thought it was cool)

"Running from her isn't going to help anything, y/n. Talk to her. Communication is the key to any functional relationship." Cedric replies after I explain everything to him. Freaking Hufflepuffs and their dumb communication and stupid healthy relationships.

"I know that! It's just that she won't really talk to me. Or maybe she really has nothing to say... I don't know! I just feel so dumb! Does she expect me to be able to read her mind?"

"You aren't dumb. None of this is your fault. I'm sure everything will sort itself out tomorrow. If not, then you can still learn from this experience, even if it hurts." Cho argues.

"But I don't want to get hurt. I really want Luna to be the amazing person that I have gotten to know over the past school year." You reply, miserably.

"I know. No one does y/n, but it isn't exactly your choice. You just get to choose how you react. I know that it sucks, and I know that it's way easier to just not get your heart broken, but it still happens sometimes. People make mistakes by choosing the wrong people a lot. All we can do is move on and learn from it. Focus on what you can control. However, don't cut her out of your life just yet. There's still a chance that this could all be a simple misunderstanding. Hear her out, but try not to be a pushover." Cedric preaches.

What business does a Hufflepuff have telling me to not be a pushover?

(I'm a Hufflepuff by the way lmao)

"Yeah that makes sense. But... never mind it's almost curfew, we should get beck to the Ravenclaw dorm." I say, looking at Cho.

"Yeah probably," she agrees, "but we can talk about it tomorrow after you talk to Luna, okay?"

"Alright." I Agree.

Cho kisses Cedric goodnight, and I hug him. Me and Cho are silent as we make our way to our dorm. Everything that either of us had to say had been said already, so there was no point in useless small talk.

She eventually broke the silence with, "I'm so sorry that this whole thing is happening. You don't deserve it. Even if it is a misunderstanding, you don't deserve all this emotional drama."

"I'm just glad that you said something. I would like to know about it, weather she's romantically interested in this dude or not."

"Yeah I would have to, that's why I knew I had to tell you."


You walk the rest of the way in a think, uncomfortable silence. You whisper your goodbyes and go lay in your bed. Unfortunately for you, you're not tired which gives your brain time to think. Usually that's fine, but not today.

If this IS just a mistake, will Luna think that you don't trust her specifically? Or will she be more forgiving due to your past. (I'm sure tons of you have trust issues due to something someone has done to you, me included, so I hope no one is offended that I made an assumption about the readers.) But what if it's not a mistake? What if sweet, kind, goodhearted Luna has secretly been playing you this whole time? You're in the same house, so it isn't like you can just avoid her. Oh god, and Draco will become so much worse.

It seems like your whole world is crumbling, but you still refuse to believe that it's even a slight possibility for her to be cheating. Your mind quickly resorts to making explanations for what she did and why she's definitively not cheating. There's not even much evidence to prove that she is. There's no why she is. So then why does it hurt this bad? Why do you want to cry so hard if there's no chance she cheated. Some small part of you doubts her, and you realize that you hate yourself for it. You don't want to, but you do. It really sucks that you can't even control your own emotions or thoughts.


The next morning, you feel more exhausted that when you went to sleep. You feel no motivation to go to classes, talk to Luna, or even get out of bed for that matter. Cho practically has to force you out of bed.

"Nothing is going to improve if you ignore it! Just talk to her." She would say.

"Shut up, I know but that doesn't mean that I want to!"

Eventually Cho wins and you get yourself ready and walk slowly to your first period with her.

Your first four classes pass slowly, and it feels like you're seeing everything through clear jell-o. More accurately, it feels like you're stuck in clear jell-o, but the rest of the world is just find. You can't really comprehend what anyone is saying or doing, and even your thought feel stuck and slow.

Then came time for lunch. All of the sudden, someone ripped you out of the jell-o and forced you back into reality as soon as you see her face. Luna. Standing right in front of you as if she did nothing wrong. Maybe she didn't. Either way, she doesn't know that you know about anything, so of course she's acting normal.

"Hey (nickname), you didn't sit by me in any classes today, is something wrong? I'm always here to talk to, you know that." She says.

"Um yeah something kind is wrong actually..." You look at Cho who's sitting close to Luna, who gives you an encouraging nod. You take a deep breath and say, "so... you were acting kind of really distant yesterday, and you wouldn't really talk to me about it. After that, someone told be that you were saying that you loved someone else and hugging him. I'm not sure what's going on, but I would like you to explain it to me.. please."

Luna looks at the ground and replies...

(I'm sorry for the cliffhanger, but I don't feel like writing another 100 plus word paragraph today. Also, I have been cheated on super recently, and that jell-o metaphor is how I felt the whole like week and a half she was avoiding me. I also denied it even though it was literally confirmed by her bf just because she hadn't said it, which is why I added that. Just thought you should know that!)

(1081 words)

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