Life without her

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Your parents give you a warm welcome at the station. Then, they take you out for ice cream on the way home to catch up. As you can imagine, it was mostly semi-awkward conversation about things you parents barely understood since they're both muggles. Oh and also 'well when I was you're age...' and 'oh I'm sure you two are so cute together!' Obviously, it was amazing to see them in person again, but you were glad to get back in the car.

As soon as you get home, your 10 year old little sister Izzy rushes into your arms. "I've missed you so much y/n!" She says with tear filled eyes. You can't help but tear up too.

"I've missed you too Iz." You respond. Heck, you've even missed the way she copies everything you do just to bug you. That'll probably fade by tomorrow.

You pull away from the hug to see your older sibling, Indigo, was standing in the doorway,  making you full on sob as you run into their arms. They moved two hours away to live with their friends before collage at the beginning last summer, and you haven't really talked much since then. It's all been empty conversation about school and mom and dad. It's nice to be like this again, open and real, even if it's only for a moment. Even if they're going back tomorrow and never speak to anyone in your family again. It's still amazing to feel like this with them again.

You can tell Indigo is holding back a sob as they say, "I'm sorry y/n... I didn't... I don't..." They can't hold it back anymore. They lean into your should (since they're the taller one) and let them self cry.

"I-I don't qu-ite know what-t happened b-but... you-re here now-w so... it'll be okay."

No one says anything for a little longer. Eventually you both pull away and wipe your tears. You can get a good look at them for the first time. They've changed a lot. They grew their hair out into a mullet and dyed it green, they also gauged their ears and pierced their nose. On both sides.. It really shouldn't look good, but they pull it off somehow.  Lucky. It just sucks that you couldn't be there through all that change and self-discovery. It sucks you couldn't be a huge factor in their life when they were likely hurting inside. You remind yourself that none of this is your fault and force your brain to think of something else.

You can't help but think about how Luna would react. She would probably love Indigo's style, and just their overall vibe. They'd get along well. If only she were here.

Inside, you go through a couple more rounds of awkward conversation talking about Draco, Professors, and you couldn't help but tell them all about Luna. I mean, your parents already knew, and that was bad enough but with siblings, everything is way different.

"Awww does wittle n/n have a girrrrlllyyyfweind??"

"Indigo, you're embarrassing her!" Gasp! "Can we meet her!"

"Is she hot?"

"Stop! What are some things she likes?"

"Does she have eyes that sparkle like the sea, and a silky smooth voice?"

"Shut it! How did you meet her?"

"How do her lips feel?"


"What, you're not even a little bit curios?"

"No, that's nasty! I'm never gonna kiss anyone ever!"

"Whatever you say. You do you, boo."

"Anyway... is she nice?"

"Have you guys-"

"Okay shut up!" You finally interrupt. "Yes, she is my girlfriend; you'll probably meet her eventually, but probably not this summer; she likes art a lot, but LOVES painting; I met her when she helped show me to my classes because we're in the same house. Does that answer all your questions?"

"You ignored all of mine!" Indigo complains.

You sigh, "She's more cute rather than hot most the time; she has light blue eyes and a soft voice; none of your freaking  business; and no. I'm not entirely sure what you were going to ask on that last one, but no."

"Alright fair."

"Why can't we meet her this summer?" Izzy asks.

"Her dad is a wizard, so it would be really hard to do anything but send notes through owls to each other."

"Oh... but is there a way for us to go there or for her to come here?"

"There are, but it's hard. It's hard to travel between the worlds without special permission unless you're a witch, and taking four muggles with me would be hard. Plus, Luna is really busy this summer. I just don't think it would work out."

"Awwwww" She whines, sadly with a pout. Yeah, if only she knew how you felt about it.

"Oh come on!" Indigo exclaims.

"What?" You ask.

"You're just going to give up that easily because she's busy? I thought you loved her?"

"I do! I just can't think of a way that I could see her. Trust me, I wish there were a way more than you guys could ever guess."

"How cute. We could think of a way. Mum and Dad wouldn't approve, so Luna likely wouldn't either except for if it's to see her."

"Okay, I'm in. But how could you come up with the idea? You've never been there before. I don't even know exactly where she lives."

They wave their hand in dismissal, "We'll figure out where she lives when the time comes. As for the rest, that's up to you. You know how to get there, I'm just the schemer."

"Never call yourself that again. But, fine, I'm in. You?" You question, looking at Izzy.

"Ummm... sure if it means that I can meet Luna. Just, don't let me get hurt, okay? Or y/n. Or Indigo. Okay?"

You and Indigo exchange a worried look before they shrug. "Sure, nobody will get hurt. Also, Izzy?"


"You can't tell Mum and Dad about this, no matter how excited you are to do it, alright?"

She nods with determination, "they won't hear a thing about it, I promise!"

"Good, good. So everyone's in?" They look around. Izzy nods intensely.

They hold their hand out to you, which you shake, then they do the same with Izzy. "Perfect. The deal is sealed. No going back now."

"Okay awesome. Now, where do we start planning?"

(1033 words)

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