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(Sorry for the late update, I've been SUPER busy)

Luna wasn't lying when she said that school was ending soon. Today is the last day, and it's doubtful that you will get the opportunity to talk to Luna for very long before next year, much less alone. Many contumely thoughts are running through your head as you slowly pack the rest of your things to go back home for the summer.

You've already said your goodbyes, but it will never be enough. It's only three months, but you already know that it will feel like a lifetime. You unenthusiastically pick up your trunk, and go with the others waiting for the Hogwarts train that will take all the Hogwarts students back to platform 9 3/4.

Among the crowd, you spot the short-ish white-blonde girl you don't want to leave. "Hey lovely!" You say.

"Hello (Nickname)." She replies, giving you an awkward side-hug around your trunks. You can see in her eyes that she's just as reluctant to leave as you. She has said that she's excited to work alongside her father in editing the Quibbler, but she is going to miss Hogwarts... and you.

You on the other hand are going back to the muggle world to work as a ✨✨gas station attendant!!✨✨ On a serious note, you obviously miss your family and want to see them again, but leaving Luna is clearly a downside.

So, you decide to state the obvious. "I'm going to miss you.."

"And I you." She responds with a sad smile.

"God, it's like you're going to war!" A voice next to you says, causing you to jump and gasp in surprise. You look over to see Cho and Cedric standing next to you.

"When did you guys get here?! Y'all are so quiet!" You shout.

Luna, who apparently saw them walk up, giggles softly, a welcome sound alongside Cedric and Cho's loud, sea lion laughter.

"Alright, but it is not like you two are not going to miss each other, am I correct?" Luna asked, getting back on track.

"Obviously I'm gonna miss her," Cedric says, "but I know that I'm gonna see her again soon. Plus, we can still write. And since we both live in the wizarding world, we can visit each other via flu powder."

"Well we can't do that!" You complain, "I don't even have a fireplace!" There's no way you can visit each other unless her dad gets real cool with the muggle world real fast. However, he's always been relatively protective of his daughter. Not an unhealthy amount, but it's not like he would let her go to London alone, and he's not allowed to leave. You have no way to get back here until next school year, so yeah, that's a no.

"Even so, we're just not as dramatic as you, am I wrong?" Cho said, sticking her tongue out at you and Luna.

"We may be dramatic, but at least we are not immature." Luna responded. You high-fived her with a smile.

Cedric opens his mouth to say something, but the screeching of the approaching train interrupts him.

The students start herding into the train, and you follow. Putting your trunks in the overhead compartment, you and Luna find a seat with Neville, and Cho and Cedric squish in with him, across from you two.

Trevor hops onto your lap, leaning against your hand. "Sorry, your hands must be cold," Neville says, "it's a little warm for him here."

"It's only like 75 degrees." You say, confused. It's not like you mind Trevor on you. He's a bit sticky but still adorable, but it's really not all that hot.

"Yeah, but he prefers temperatures under 70." He replies, "most toads prefer between 60 to 70 degrees." (I had to look that up to say weather your hands were cool or warm)

"Alright, makes sense." You gently stroke the toad's back with your other hand. He quickly falls asleep on your legs. Great, so now it's basically illegal to move your legs until he wakes up. Hopefully you don't have to pee anytime soon.

"Awww he's sleepy!" Cho squeals, surprisingly not waking him up. Who knew she would find toads cute?

"We all are." Neville agrees, "it should be illegal to make students wake up before 7:30 A.M. Especially if the train doesn't even come until Ten!"

"The wanna make sure those slow poke Hufflepuffs get their crap together before they miss the train." Cho teases.

"Excuse you," Cedric replies, dramatically faking offence, "at least we could FIND our socks."

"They were my favorite pair, I couldn't just leave them to the mercy of the house elves! It's not my fault one of those selfish Gryffindors hid them!"

"How do you know it was one of us?!"

Their banter drowns out of your mind as you look sadly at Luna, and she looks back at you. It's clear you're both thinking the same sad thoughts as you take her hand and she leans on your shoulder. You rest you head on hers and rub her hand with your thumb.

As you gently close your eyes, you whisper "I love you."

You're starting to fall asleep as you hear her whisper, "I love you more."

You both fall asleep with faint smiles on your faces. Happy smiles with extremely dismal undertones. But it's okay because no matter what, no matter how long it takes for you to be able to see her again, no matter how many hours you lie awake at night wishing Luna were there with you, it's okay. Because you love her, and you know she feels the same. If your love is strong enough, which it clearly is, a little distance won't ruin what you have.


"Get your snacks here, kids!" Your eyes shoot open. "We have chocolate frogs, pumpkin pasteys, blood-flavored lolly pops, and more!" Why is she so loud?

"Five chocolate frogs." You hear Cedric say as you and Luna sit up and start to fully wake up. You notice that Trevor betrayed you and went tho Cho, who found a bowl of cool water for him to chill in.

"Have a nice nap?" Cho asks, feeding Trevor some flies.

"I would have liked it to last a bit longer." Luna answers, stretching her back with a yawn.

"Have some chocolate, that helps everything." Cedric responds, passing a chocolate frog out to everyone.

"Thanks!" You say. You haven't eaten yet that day, so some sugar would be nice. Although, chocolate frogs are a little scary and graphic to eat.

You all grab one and open them, trying to catch them as they immediately jump out. You and Cedric catch and eat yours. All the others make it to the window.

"Hey, I got Godric Gryffindor!" Neville brags.

You look at your, "ugh that's like the sixth Helga Hufflepuff one I've gotten." You complain.

"Really?" Luna asks, "because I've never received one of her. This is my third Ravenclaw though. Would you like to trade?"

"Sure." Everyone trades their cards with one another until you're all happy with them.

After around half an hour of joking conversation, the train makes it's stop at the platform.

All the students are ushered out of the train to find their families. As soon as your out of the train, you see Luna's dad. You set down your trunk and turn to her for possibly the last time.

"I guess this is goodbye..." You say.

"Indeed." She sets hers down and stands on her toes to engulf you in a hug. You hug her back tighter, doing your best not to cry. "I love you... I'm going to miss you." She says to your shoulder.

You pull back to give her one last kiss for too long. Too soon, you pull away. "Me too. I'll write as often as possible."

By now, her dad has seen you guys and was walking towards you. "I will do the same." She grabs your hand, "goodbye, love."

You slowly pull your hand away as Xenophilius approaches. "Goodbye."

She turns to her father and you turn to grab your trunk. You can't stand to look back as you can feel her walking away. This may be if for now, but hopefully this won't even be a pause in your love story. Hopefully this is not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be right now. Hopefully...

(1397 words)

Love that's worth it isn't easy (Luna X reader)Where stories live. Discover now