Le date

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(Warning! There will be some lime in this chapter, so if you are not okay with slight sexual implications, feel free to skip this one, or, I'll put a warning and you can just skip that part. That is all.)

You and Luna walk down the street, hands intertwined, talking about whatever thoughts come to your heads.

"Okay, hear me out," you say, "what if, hypothetically, all rocks are actually soft, they just tense up when someone touches them, so no one knows?"

"So in this situation, all rocks would have to be sentient being, correct?" She asks, a mixture of amused and concerned.

"Yeah, I guess they would have to be."

"Well I don't like that at all. Think of everything that happens to rocks. They get melted and reformed constantly, and humans have been carving and making things with stones and other minerals for ages."

"Oh yeah... well they must be really strong then..?"

"Then I fear rocks would one day replace humans as the dominant species and take over the earth. Maybe that's for the best though, we aren't really taking good care of it."

"Dang, you're right. Maybe that's why they pretend to be not living.. so we don't fear them even though we should. But I guess it'll all be for the best in the end."

Luna giggles with her adorable, song-like voice. "Ooh, we should climb a tree!" Luna suggests. There is an orchid nearby, so you agree.

Luna takes the initiative and starts climbing first. When she gets to the fourth branch, she swings her legs over and hangs upside-down, about eye level to where you stand.

"Is this tree sturdy enough for both of us?" You wonder.

"It should be.. come here though." So you do. She gently leans your head up and kisses you softly from her spot on the tree. "I just thought you looked too beautiful for me to not do that." She says before swinging herself back up into a sitting position.

With a huge smile on your face, you decide that the tree is sturdy enough and climb up after her. "If that's how it works, then I would never stop kissing you."

"Is that so?" She teases.

"Oh yeah." You find a place to sit on a branch near Luna's.


A few hours, a picnic lunch, some flower crowns, and several upside-down kisses later; it's getting dark and you both decide it's probably time to get back to Hogwarts.

"We should do that more often."

Luna smiles contently and nods in agreement. "That was really fun but... the school year is ending soon."

Right, that. "I'll write you every day, and think about you even more." You say, meaning every word.

"I know that, it's just... not really the same as seeing you in person every day, I'm sure you understand."

You do. More than you would like to. "Yeah. I guess we will just have to make the most of the time we have together right now."

"Great idea." She opens the doors to the dorm room to find it still empty. "Right, there's a quidditch match tonight against Gryffindor." Luna recalls, "it must be in overtime."

~Warning- the lime starts here~

"Well I guess we have the dorm to ourselves then" You say, suddenly feeling brave as you take you jacket off.

"Are you trying to imply something?" Luna asks, faking confusion.

"I guess that depends if you want me to be." You respond, giving her a clear chance to say no if she wants to.

"And what if I do? What is the implication, y/n?"

"I think you know that already." You answer, gently pushing her against the wall. You still give her plenty of room to leave or push you away. Instead, she gently pulls you into a deep, passionate kiss using your tie.

You kiss back, slipping your tongue into her slightly open mouth. You feel you hands travel to your waist, you you tug on her pale blonde hair.

She tugs on your shirt, and you pull back to take it off, before doing the same to hers, discarding them on the floor. You quickly reconnect the kiss, but this time you can feel Luna's hands, cool from the night air, running up and down your back as you run yours along her perfect stomach.

You softly rub her through her pale blue bra, earning a small moan as a reward.

~Lemon ends~

Just as you begin unclasping it, you hear footsteps and loud chatter. You can tell it's coming from relatively far away, but it still sends you into your fight or flight mode.

It's clear Luna heard them to, because she rushes to grab her shirt. Yours ended up to far away to get it and put in on in time, so as the voices get louder and closer, you just run into the bathroom. Right as you're closing the door, Luna tosses it in right next to you.

You whisper a thanks and close and lock the door right as you can hear the doors open and people flooding the dorms.

You breathe a sigh of relief that the situation hadn't been any worse and put you shirt back on. You can hear Luna telling someone that you are using the bathroom, so you flush the toilet and wash your hands for good measure before returning to the room.

Luna gives you a quick smile, clearly sharing your sense of relief.

"You two look tired," Cho observes, "guess your date was fun." She emphasizes the last part with a wink causing both you and Luna to flush a light pink.

Luna shakes her head, "It's really not like that." She half lies.

You know for a fact that you are a terrible liar, so you decide to just nod to be safe.

"Whatever." Cho responds in a joking way that proves she wasn't serious is the first place, before turning and walking away.

As soon as she is out of earshot, you and Luna make eye contact and immediately burst into laughter, earning you a few stares.

"That was close." You half whisper as soon as everyone's attention is off of you guys.

"Yeah it was," she agrees, "but it looks like you enjoy the risk. Don't you, y/n?"

This time it's only you blushing. "I enjoy everything when I'm around you." You respond, carefully avoiding the question.

You both burst into laughter again.

"I should probably sleep in my dorm tonight." Luna tells you, proving she has more self control than you.

"Yeah, I agree. Goodnight, I love you."

"Love you too." She gives you a quick kiss on the cheek before going to her dorm.

God, what a night.

(1126 words)

Love that's worth it isn't easy (Luna X reader)Where stories live. Discover now