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"are you okay?" jeno finally broke the silence. the pair had been sitting on the balcony for quite a while now and yumi hadn't uttered a single word, making him worried.

"everything is perfectly fine," yumi said, feigning a smile as she answered jeno. it was natural for her to fake it like this. in her opinion, showing her emotions only made her weaker and she didn't want anyone to think lesser of her. 

it's just what happens when people hurt you over and over again. you begin to get used to the pain and gets easier and easier to hide behind a mask. because what if you opened up your feelings to someone, only for them to disappoint you too?

jeno didn't feel like pressing. it was her choice whether to tell him or not and he respected it. he turned his attention to the tattoos that adorned her skin and one in particular caught his eye. it was the tulip near her collarbone.

"why do you have so many tattoos? is your family okay with it?" he asked naively.

yumi inhaled sharply at the mention of her family, "i don't have a family. tattoos are my way of expression. each one has its own separate story that i always want to remember and carry with me."

"is the tulip just for decoration?" jeno asked.

yumi sighed, it wasn't like he was trying to be offensive, he simply didn't know, "it's my favorite flower," yumi hesitated because she didn't know whether to go on.

she took a risk, "my mother used to buy tulips everyday of her life. she enjoyed them and always came home in the morning with a bouquet. i liked the way they made her smile... because not a lot of things did."

"does your mother not do it anymore?"

"n-no. she died when i was a kid. cancer took her life and my dad remarried right away," yumi explained, her voice rather shaky.

if jeno was more socially aware, he would've stopped asking questions. but he kept at it, his curiosity getting the best of him. he couldn't help it, yumi was very fascinating to him and her story seemed like it was full of twists and turns.

"but you said you didn't have a family," jeno pointed out.

yumi's eye twitched, was he trying to get on her nerves on purpose?

"i don't. family means people that love you and care for you. that's something i don't have," she said harshly.

jeno finally took the hint and stood up awkwardly, "i'll get you some water," he said to save himself from the moment. 

as he left, he passed by someone standing in the shadows the entire time. jeno glanced at him and rolled his eyes. 

haechan had heard the whole story with one hand over his tulip tattoo. if he had known how much it meant to her, he wouldn't have asked for it. when he felt sure that jeno wasn't going to come back, he approached yumi and sat down in jeno's spot.

startled, yumi feigned another smile at him, "what can i help you with?" she asked in a voice that dripped with honey. it was fake and he knew it.

"why'd you come here? were you looking for me?" haechan asked.

yumi chuckled, "oh i was just bored... but you were occupied so i hung out here with jeno. not a big deal, what happened to the girl? you done fucking?"

haechan hated the way that she was talking to him. she sounded like all the other girls in his life and he was getting more and more mad by the second. 

"yumi shut up, i know you care," he said through his teeth.

it was yumi's turn to get annoyed. he strings her along only to go fuck another girl when she leaves and then he makes assumptions about her feelings for him. with the unleashed anger from that afternoon and with his attitude, she let it all out at once, "you know what haechan. i don't care, you can fuck as many girls as you like. heck, why the fuck would i care? are we dating? do you even care about me? evidently not so why should i care about what you do? i came here to find you because i was bored. nothing more."

as she was speaking, haechan's eyes landed on the bruises that were littered on her body. he narrowed his eyes at her while she was speaking and wasn't really listening. 

"you're a liar. and do you know what i hate most? liars," he spat at her, pointing to her bruises, "you were crying when you showed up and you have bruises on you. i know something happened and you came to me because of it. don't lie."

yumi let out a sad sigh, "you know what lee haechan? i really do hate you to. i'm lying because you don't really deserve to know what happened to me anymore. i don't think i can trust you. not when you made me believe that you really did like me."

she didn't wait for him to respond. she walked away from him and showed herself to door, leaving the house, not intending to come back anytime soon even if chenle wanted her to. 

she walked along the sidewalk, the cars driving past her started to look like blurs as the tears really started to gather in her eyes. 

in the end, she just crouched down, no longer having the energy or the will to take the walk back to her place. she let herself finally cry so hard that she couldn't see anything or even feel anything than sadness. 

she told herself that this is why you don't trust people, they'll just stab you in the back.

just like haechan did.

if it were any other girl, yumi would be less distraught. but it had to be nayu. it was always her, the girl that took everything away from yumi one by one until she had nothing left to herself.

if nayu wanted haechan then she could have him. it's not like haechan cared about yumi anyways.

or so she thought.

so i thought i already updated this but turns out i didn't oops 👩🏻‍🦯

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