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yumi sat across from chenle, avoiding his gaze and his twitching eye. 

she cleared her throat, "it's not haechan's fault. i don't know why jeno started yelling at him, he wasn't doing anything to me, it was my knife he was holding..." yumi rambled on, attempting to defend haechan.

chenle nodded along and held out a hand to stop her from continuing, "do you really not know why jeno got so mad? it wasn't because he actually thought haechan had harmed you."

yumi blinked at chenle, "mhmm."

"i'm guessing you have an idea but i'll tell you straight up that jeno really likes you and seeing you so close to haechan probably set him off," chenle spilled the beans.

yumi sighed, "chenle it wasn't your place to tell me that."

"i think you already knew," he said.

yumi nodded, "i knew. but i still think jeno wouldn't like it if he found out you told me anyways."

"what were you planning to do? reject him when he finally mustered up the courage to tell you how he felt?" chenle asked, genuinely curious.

"i treat jeno like a friend. if it became necessary, i would tell him that i don't reciprocate his feelings but i know that jeno knows i don't like him."

she was right of course. it was quite clear to everyone in the dreamies gang that yumi was head over heels for haechan. 

jeno was no idiot and he could see that as well. 

"he's still going to like you, you know that right?" chenle felt a bit sad for his friend.

yumi frowned, "i don't know what to do. if i push him away now, he'll get upset but if i keep on hanging out with him, he'll continue to wait for my feelings to change."

chenle tilted his head, "are you sure your feelings won't change? haechan's a jerk to you, are you sure that he's the one?"

"haechan doesn't mean to be. everyone analyzes him very surface level but i think there's way more to him then just a fuckboy who goes around being a jerk. he's scared you know, of real feelings and he has a right to be. he also doesn't know how to express true affection and he takes out his frustrations by fucking around with nayu. i trust that if he knew about nayu's real identity, he wouldn't let her hang around him anymore," yumi said.

chenle took his best friend's hand and held it, "you're too kind and you think too highly of people. what if he never learns how to express his feelings and continues to go on hurting you? are you going to stand around and take that? you deserve someone who loves you and someone you don't have to wait for."

yumi smiled painfully, "sometimes love is worth waiting for."

"you've been waiting your entire life for someone to love you," chenle pointed out.

yumi shook her head, "that's not true. you love me. jisung does and so did my mom before she passed away."

chenle sighed, "you know what i mean yumi," he held up her wrist, "i know you still cope with these cuts."

yumi looked down at the ground, "i told haechan i'd stop. he took my knife anyways."

she stood up and patted chenle on the shoulder, intending to go back and see haechan, but a slightly angry boy appeared in front of her and blocked her way.

"someone has been calling your phone nonstop," he said, handing her phone and immediately turning to walk away. 

"hello?" yumi answered.

"come to the family gathering today. the extended family will be there and they don't know that i've kicked you out," her father's voice said through the phone.

yumi didn't have a chance to say no or yes. her father had immediately hung up and she sighed quickly picking out a dress and changing so that she would at least presentable in front of her posh and snobby family. 

as her cab pulled up to the venue, she sat in the back seat for quite some time before getting out. 

she kept trying to run away from her past, but it kept catching up to her and she hated it.


"i'd like everyone to re-meet my two wonderful daughters. it's been quite a while since they were seen together. nayu. yumi. why don't you introduce yourselves?" yumi's father announced to the people in the venue as he glared at yumi. 

"my name is kim nayu, it's a pleasure to have you here with us tonight," nayu said in her high-pitched voice and bowed down.

yumi sighed and stepped forward, "moon yumi."

her father kicked her shin and yumi grimaced, "it's a pleasure to be in front of everyone once again after being kicked out of the house."

the heel of her father 's leather shoe was now digging into her foot, and she could feel it bruising but she continued, "after my mother's death, you must have wondered why i disappeared as well so there's your answer. i no longer have anything to do with this family and so if you'll excuse me."

the murmurs followed yumi as she walked briskly down the balcony and tried to escape through the back hallways. 

nayu ran after yumi and gripped her hair harshly when she finally caught up, "what was that?" she screamed.

yumi calmly turned around, "i thought you didn't want any ties to me, i did you a favor."

nayu wasn't having it. she was seeing stars. the stocks would surely plummet when the news broke out.

nayu took the sharply heeled shoe off of her foot and raised it just as yumi had turned around, intending to leave.

without a single warning or sound, nayu brought down the show on yumi once. when yumi fell to the ground in pain and clutching her shoulder, nayu brought the shoe down again on her step-sister until yumi's dress was torn and her body was bloodied and bruised. 

yumi only watched in a state of deliriousness as nayu slipped back on her shoe and walked away, as if she had done nothing.

baby don't like it {lee haechan}Where stories live. Discover now