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yumi stumbled into haechan's room in the late morning and blink at the gigantic mound of fluff in the middle of the bed. she attacked it, pulling the blanket away to reveal a lee haechan.

he was curled into a ball and his head laid peacefully on his arm as he slept. yumi wasn't in a mood to sit and stare at how cute he was however, and climbed onto his bed to jump and down as a means to wake the boy up.

haechan groaned, the girl was way to hyperactive for the morning and he opened his eyes to glare at her. with a groggy voice he asked, "what time is it?"

"its 12 haechan, wake up," she said and stopped jumping.

she sat criss cross applesauce in front of him and watched him rub the sleep out of his eyes. after he was done he stare at her.

"what do you want," he asked bluntly, still kind of salty that she hadn't chosen to room with him. 

"can i borrow some of your clothes? ayeri left early this morning before i woke up and i don't want to go through her stuff without her here."

it was sort of impossible for haechan to say no to her. she was acting extremely cute at the moment and the prospect of her prancing around the house in his clothes in front of jeno was just so tempting. 

haechan crossed his room to the closet and threw a pair of sweats and a t-shirt to yumi who glady caught it and shot him a bright smile. as the girl disappeared into his bathroom, he dropped the cool act and let the blush creep to his face. 

haechan changed too, purposefully wearing the matching hoodie to the pants that he had given yumi. he smiled to himself and was even humming while he waited for her, his foot tapping against the ground impatiently. 

when yumi finally came out, she spun around in a circle, "very comfortable!" she commented and it took all of haechan's willpower not to smile. 

"you look stupid," he said and she frowned at him.

yumi huffed and came closer to him. she spotted his pants and pointed to them, surprised, "we're matching! did you do this on purpose?"

haechan coughed, "absolutely not, who do you think i am?"

yumi narrowed her eyes at him, "hmm. i think you did," she teased and laughed.

while yumi was flailing her limbs around and laughing at him, something caught his eye on her wrists. his heart skipped several beats and the blood drained from his face. 

"yumi," he said was a serious voice, making her turn to look at him.


"give me your arm. now," he said, trying to keep his voice low and calm as possible. he didn't want to freak her out and so he sat down on the bed and waited for her to extend her arm out. 

yumi watched haechan's mannerisms. it was quite obvious that he had seen and she felt like an idiot for forgetting and not asking for a something with long sleeves. however, the way haechan was waiting patiently made her want to tell him and so she slowly extended her arm for him to see.

haechan sighed, his hand holding her arm gently and his fingers running over the cuts. tears were already starting to build up in both of his eyes as he pulled her closer, even putting her in his lap as he patted the scars gently.

it took a while for haechan to speak. when he did, his voice was shaky, "why? why would you do this to yourself?"

yumi knew why. it's just hard to put those types of things into coherent words so she stayed silent instead, lowering her head to the ground. 

haechan continued, "i don't know why. but i'll need you to open up at some point so i can be there for you okay? for now, if you feel the slightest bit sad, i want you to come to me. we can go eat ice cream, watch a movie or even just cuddle and sleep. i don't want to see this ever again yumi."

yumi nodded, meeting his eyes and finding pain and reassurance.

"give me the knife baby," haechan said.

neither of them seemed to notice the pet name. the moment was too serious for things like that and yumi reached into her pocket and put the knife in haechan's hands, feeling oddly trustful of the boy. 

haechan frowned as he looked at the knife in his hands, but before he could put it down and continue to comfort the girl in his lap, two rowdy boys came running into his room.

chenle and jeno immediately stopped screaming at each other when they say the position yumi and haechan were in. jeno's eyes went to the knife in haechan's hand and he instantly grabbed yumi, pulling her off of haechan's lap and wrapping his arms around her.

"what are you doing with that knife around her?" he yelled.

haechan was at a loss. yumi struggled in jeno's arms, "that's not- what?" she said in utter confusion.

chenle sighed, "calm down jeno, you probably misread the situation."

but jeno wasn't calm. inside he knew he was using the knife as an excuse to be mad about yumi in haechan's lap. 

chenle patted the boy on the shoulder and held yumi's hands, he had seen the cuts on her arm already and knew what this was about. he nodded to haechan and pulled the girl away, "let's talk yumi... and jeno stop always trying to fight haechan, it's not good for the gang."

baby don't like it {lee haechan}Where stories live. Discover now