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yumi made her way to the kitchen at a fast pace after running away from jeno. her heart was beating fast and her face was bright red. 

the truth was that yumi did like jeno. he was a sweet boy and had good intentions, however, her heart belonged to someone else and no matter how hard she tried to like jeno back, she just couldn't do it.

sometimes she hated herself for it; she didn't want to hurt jeno, but that's how love works.

either you experience the best moments of your life or you get hurt. it's quite simple. 

as yumi gulped down a glass of water in front of the open fridge, her thoughts drifted to a certain mopey-haired boy. 

haechan was definitely a misunderstood boy, he cared quite a lot for the people around him. yumi often caught him doing simple acts to express his love to the rest of the gang members without them knowing. 

when ayeri had a mini tour and was vacant, he was the one to take shotaro out so he wouldn't be too lonely. when jisung had nightmares after every mission that he had to kill someone on, haechan would be there to calm down his nightmares. 

haechan wasn't one to take his affection and announce to the entire world, but when the moment counted the most, he would be there. 

and that's exactly why yumi liked him.

yumi grew up as an independent child, she didn't like people prying into her business and preferred dealing with most things herself. she only relied on her friends when situations got out of hand. 

she also liked haechan because she saw past his mistakes. any sane girl would've left him a long time ago, but she stuck around because she knew that haechan was just a shy boy who didn't know how to handle his emotions properly. she fully intended on staying by his side.

yumi closed the fridge door and almost screamed in shock when haechan appeared out of nowhere. 

he was staring at her nervously and his eyes darted back and forth as he tried to muster up the courage to say what had been on his mind. 

"oh... i'm going to go-" yumi started but then was cut short when haechan grabbed her hand gently.

"please just hear me out," he said quietly and then took a deep breath before beginning, "i know that i've been the worst person to you and i apologize. when you told me you loved me i was scared. i was in shock that someone like you would even like me... let alone love. i love you too. i've loved you for a long time, i've just been hiding from my own feelings. i'm scared yumi, i'm really scared of hurting you and in the process i've done some terrible things to you."

yumi stared at him, shocked that he was confessing.

haechan continued, "i know. i know about nayu and and about everything and i feel so stupid. i've cut off everything with her and i've been spending the last few days tying up a few loose strings so that i can be with you one hundred percent. i love you and i can no longer imagine life without you by my side, so please, just give me this chance to prove myself to you."


haechan pressed his lips to yumi and then pulled slightly away to decipher her reaction. when she didn't push him away, he kissed her again. he was being gentle as possible, taking the time to press little pecks on her lips and on her neck. 

they were light little kisses, with only pure intentions. haechan pulled yumi into a hug and smiled to himself when he felt her arms wrap around his neck.

it was a few minutes that they stood like that before yumi was able to collect her thoughts. 

"haechan, don't break my heart," she said and then pulled out of the embrace to smile at him.

haechan closed his eyes and intertwined their pinky's, "it's a promise. now that i have my princess, i'll never disappoint you ever again."

yumi chuckled and tapped his nose playfully, "i'm not yours yet... you never asked."

haechan gasped, "yumi will you be my girlfriend?"

yumi pretended to think, earning a pout from the boy in front of her, "yes. yes i'll be your girlfriend."

as soon as the words left her mouth haechan let out a yell of happiness and picked her up, spinning the petite girl around.

"i-i just wanted a baguette," a voice sounded and haechan and yumi turned to see who it was.

"jisungie!" haechan shouted and jisung ran away to go look for jaemin.


yumi laughed and haechan nuzzled his nose with hers, "i love you, i love you so much," he whispered. the smile never left his lips as he carried her all the way to his room. 


the morning brought in soft rays of sunshine that filtered through the thin curtains of haechan's room. yumi frowned in her sleep and pulled the blanket so that her eyes were covered.

it wasn't long, however, before her beauty sleep was interrupted by an overly excited boyfriend. haechan had woken up an hour earlier, wanting to cook yumi 'breakfast in bed.'

"wake up!" he screamed next to her ear and yumi sat straight up, glaring at him.

"do that again, i dare you," she said with a death glare.

"or what?" haechan said sassily.

"no more girlfriend for you."

haechan gasped dramatically, "no, i'm very sorry. please forgive me, i made you breakfast!" 

yumi glanced at the tray in front of her and chuckled, "did you really make that?"


yumi ruffled haechan's hair, "i think you forgot that i work at the cafe that sells these," she picked up one of the pastries and chewed on it.

haechan frowned, "i wanted to cook for you but jaemin chased me out of the kitchen after i set off the fire alarm."

yumi slapped her own forehead and put the tray away, "no more cooking for you. thank you for thinking about me though," she smiled.

haechan was positively beaming, "well technically i'm always thinking about you. you kind of live in my head all the time."

yumi gave him a kiss on the cheek, "make that two of us."

"do that again."


"the kiss."

"no hehe."


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