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*tw: cutting, self-harm* skip to ~ mark

yumi had to drag herself out of the cab and through the front door of the house. she hadn't wanted to call any of the boys to pick her up, knowing that they would worry about her.

she didn't like to worry them and so she unlocked the door and limped through the house, her mind telling her to go straight for the bathroom and to lock the door. 

she was halfway there before she paused, remembering that haechan still had her knife. 

despite the pain, she dragged herself back around the house and into the kitchen, where she circled to a certain drawer and yanked it out with a bang. 

her hands were shaky as they wrapped around a dagger from the drawer that the boys stashed their sharper weapons. if they police ever came knocking they could just say they liked to collect kitchen knives. 

as yumi finally was able to disappear behind the bathroom door, she leaned against the wall and absentmindedly brought the knife to her bandaged wrist. 

to most, it was counterintuitive to fight pain with self-inflictment, but yumi had never really had people to help her through the most fucked up parts of life and this is what she had turned too. 

there was something that soothed her mind as she ran the knife over the bandages and into the already damaged skin. 

it was control.

while the pain inflicted by her father and her step-sister was uncontrollable, this was something completely in her power. 

she wasn't really thinking about the consequences as the knife continued to dig deeper into her wrist and after a while yumi lost all of her consciousness and succumbed to the pain. 

slowly, a pool of blood formed where her arm had dropped onto the floor. complete with her torn dress and pale expression, yumi looked as good as dead. 


"has anyone seen yumi? has she come home yet? where is she?" haechan screamed at everyone as he looped through all the rooms of the big house. 

everyone either gave him blank stares or shook their heads, making him even more worried. 

it was well into the night with the moon high in the sky and yet no one had seen yumi. haechan's brow furrowed and he marched to the front door only to see yumi's shoes neatly put to the side.

he took a sigh of relief as he realized she was probably in the house somewhere, resting. 

this relief was short-lived however and he ran through the house and back to his room, where he checked to see if the knife he took from her was still there. he frowned again. where was she?

dodging an angry jeno, he jumped down the stairs and knocked on the last place he hadn't checked yet: the downstairs bathroom.

from somewhere in the living room, jisung called out, "don't bother! i almost peed in my pants earlier but someone was in there. they still haven't come out."

this only made haechan more frantic and he kicked on the door handle until it finally fell off. ignoring the pain in his foot, haechan pushed the door open slowly and immediately his legs gave way to shock.

she looked dead. 

the blood and the ragged dress scared him to death, what had happened?

haechan came closer to her and only then did he see the fresh cuts on her wrist. tears already escaping his sad eyes, he felt her faint pulse and immediately picked her up, running as he carried her to his room.

jeno was waiting.

"kim nayu," jeno spoke when haechan was finally done cleaning yumi up and wrapping her in a fresh pair of his own clothes. 

haechan didn't respond, making sure yumi was tucked in and comfortable before turning to jeno, "what about her?" he was tense. this was a tense subject.

"they are sisters. step-sisters, have a good guess as to who beat her up tonight, use your brain haechan," jeno's voice was low and dangerous.

"s-sisters? why didn't she tell me?" haechan was in a shock.

jeno rolled his eyes, "because she's in love with you and she isn't sure if you'd choose her or her sister if she told you the truth, you don't deserve her or her heart."

haechan stood up at this, "nayu means nothing to me."

"then prove it," jeno wasn't backing down, "that nayu girl took everything away from yumi and if you were the least bit observant you would notice how tense yumi was whenever she saw nayu over."

haechan grabbed his motorcycle keys and pushed past jeno, only to be blocked. 

"don't tell me that you thought yumi was really that strong? just because she puts up that front for you doesn't mean she doesn't get hurt. i don't know what she still sees in you, especially when you seem to break her heart everytime you see her."

haechan sighed, "how was i supposed to know?"

jeno was ready to start throwing punches, "it doesn't matter! don't you like her?"

"i think i love her," haechan said quietly, glancing back at the girl who's breathing had become steadier as she slept. 

jeno lowered his voice, "then why were you still fucking around with another girl."

"because i thought, and sometimes i still think, that she likes you," haechan confessed, "and i don't want to be hurt."

jeno scoffed, "no. you're just scared of rejection. and you're a dumbass, can't you tell how much he cares about you?"

haechan pushed past jeno, "i'm going to go see nayu."

"right now? while yumi is unconscious?" jeno was flabbergasted. 

haechan nodded, "the sooner i end things with that girl, the better. i'll be home before yumi wakes up. get out of room and don't even think about touching her while i'm gone."

jeno crossed his arms, "well someone has to look after her."

this touched a nerve and haechan's eye started twitching, "get out."

jeno will have his own book everybody relax lmfao, he'll have his own girl soon

also i love reading the comments, yall some of the funniest people

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