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"why are you so slow?" chenle screamed on the top of his lungs as the dreamies raced around an abandoned parking lot. 

the boys had been given a rare day off with the reason that shotaro was taking his girlfriend out on a date and didn't want to babysit. and so jaemin had dragged everyone out with their motorbikes, intending to keep haechan and jeno's minds of of a certain girl who had come back from the dead. 

it was successful. haechan had smiled for the first time in a couple of days and jeno had even started making jokes again. 

haechan stopped his bike for a second, wanting to scroll on his phone and catch his breath after racing behind renjun for so long. 

it was the perfect opportunity for the girl standing on the roof above them, her sniper gun trained on to him. 

she smirked as she placed a finger on the trigger and aimed the gun with the precision that only came from two years of shooting. with one eye closed and the other on the gun's magnifying glass, she placed the gun's direction dead set on his head.

then he turned.

it was like something had taken the heart out of her chest and broken it in two. she gasped and her hands trembled on the gun, lowering it. what a strange sensation she was feeling. 

to her knowledge, she had never experience the feeling of heartbreak until now. she she stared at him from the distance, she felt longing for someone she didn't even know. for some reason, she wanted to jump down and run into his arms. the boy exuded such comfort and love but yet her brain was telling her to pull the trigger and be down with the job. 

the gun clattered to the gun and she dropped to the floor, earning the attention of the boys. for the first time in years, yumi listened to her heart instead of her brain and it was all because of a someone she was supposed to kill.

the boys abandoned their bikes and rushed to the rooftop, wary of the person that was so obviously spying on them. those who had brought their guns, pulled them out in preparation for a fight. 

haechan reached yumi first and stopped short, stunned to see the love of his life with a gun by her side. 

"yumi," he breathed out and she stared at her.

"you know my name?" she asked.

now that she was seeing lee donghyuck up close, she longed for his touch even more. like old days, she unconsciously counted the moles on his face and smiled. but she caught herself in the process, wondering why this boy brought her so much joy when she had no idea who he was.

"what do you mean?" haechan asked, wondering why the girl was looking at him like they had never met before, he rushed to her and dropped to his knees, "yumi where have you been all this time?"

"i-" yumi didn't know how to answer, she was confused. 

haechan pulled her into a tight hug, tears falling down his tanned face uncontrollably as he sobbed his heart out, "i've missed you so much," he whispered and kissed her forehead.

she wanted to hug him back for some reason but couldn't bring herself to. she scooted away and glanced at the rest of the boys, who were all staring at her with open mouths.

"am i supposed to know who you guys are?" she asked and the boys looked at each other.

"yumi what happened to you?" jeno asked and crouched down so they were at eye level.

there it was. another feeling of longing for touch from a boy she didn't know. she stared into the boy's eyes and he also pulled her into a hug, "don't you remember us?"

yumi shook her head, "i have no idea who you guys are, were we close?"

at that exact moment, yumi's phone rang and she fumbled to answer it, "hello?"

on the other side, yuta was yelling, "did you get the job done yet?"

yumi flinched a little, glancing at the donghyuck boy, "sorry, i couldn't find him today..." she hung up.

she didn't know why she had lied, her heart had told her to do so. 

"what are your names?" she asked.

the boys sighed and introduced themselves per her request. 

jeno and haechan were the last ones to go. 

"i'm jeno," jeno smiled at her, still having his arm around her waist.

haechan was still crying and he couldn't even look at her anymore, "donghyuck but you used to call me haechan..."

jeno sighed, "why don't you come back home with us yumi, we can get it all sorted out."

yumi closed her eyes, thinking. she was supposed to kill haechan, not make friends with his little gang. however, when she opened her eyes and examined the way his eyes were downcast and sad, her heart broke a little.

she nodded, "okay."

she let jeno guide her down the roof and take her on his bike. 

baby don't like it {lee haechan}Where stories live. Discover now