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tw: cutting (safe until this mark ~)

"no you idiot, you're blocking my way!" chenle's dolphin like scream reached yumi's ear and she chuckled, making way to the boy's room.

"playing games again?" she asked from his doorframe, and both chenle and jisung looked up to see the girl.

"yumi!" jisung shouted and dropped his controller to come up to her for a hug. he then dragged her down to the floor to sit with them in front of the big tv. 

jisung handed her his controller and rested his head on her shoulder, wanting her to play. usually, jisung never would give up his game for someone, but he didn't know how else to show his care for the older girl and so he encouraged her to play, watching her character on the big screen move.

all of the dreamies liked yumi on some level. haechan and jeno were basically in love with her, jaemin cooked for her from time to time, renjun argued with her for fun, chenle was her best friend, and jisung adored her.

when he had first met yumi, he had been a little awkward, not knowing how to interact. but then he saw how good of an impact she had on chenle, bringing the boy out of his usual depressed state and lifting the spirits of all of them.

yumi was special to all of them, but jisung looked up to her like a real older sister. 

as yumi tapped away at the controller and laughed with jisung, who was now complaining about wanting a baguette, chenle's eyes shifted to the girl and narrowed when he saw the bruises that littered her body. 

they had been poorly covered with what seemed like foundation and concealer and he sighed. he knew exactly who had done this and he grabbed her arm gently to get her attention.

"you're staying with us permanently from now on. you can still do your tattoo business but please, just stay with us," chenle told her.

yumi nodded slightly, her voice calm as she didn't want to worry jisung, "okay."

at that moment ayeri appeared breathless at the door, "shotaro wants everyone in the meeting room right now."

chenle raised an eyebrow, "i thought we were actually supposed to gather like 10 minutes ago."

ayeri turned a shade of red, "um. we got caught up doing something... bye i got to go to the agency!" she ran away at full speed and the trio laughed at her before making their own way down to the meeting room. 

when they finally got there, the rest of the dreamies minus ayeri were present and spinning around in the meeting chairs as shotaro tried to get them to sit still. 

everyone looked up when the besties arrived and jaemin immediately screeched, "my jisungie? did you say you wanted a baguette, i got you one and it's in the kitchen."

jisung blinked and hid behind yumi, "how did you hear me..."

haechan's gaze was resting on the way jisung was hugging yumi's shoulders from behind and if yumi wasn't mistaken, he had let out a low growl. 

jeno smiled at her and patted the seat next to him and she ran over to sit down in between him and renjun, much to jisung's dismay. he sat down next to haechan instead, who glared at him and he shrugged. 

renjun tapped her on the shoulder, "hey loser."

yumi stuck out her tongue to mock him and turned her attention to shotaro as he cleared his throat.

"we are here today to figure out who yumi is going to share a room with. chenle and jisung already share a room otherwise i'd let her go with one of you two, does anyone volunteer?"

renjun crossed his arms, "i paused my movie for this?"

yumi chuckled, earning an eye roll. 

"well, anyone?" shotaro asked.

both jeno and haechan raised their hands at the same time, causing both of them to look at each other. haechan's eye started twitching but he didn't lower his hand. 

shotaro clapped his hands together, "it's settled then. yumi if you would just choose one of them. i'll be off now."

as the boys filed out, yumi stared back and forth between haechan and jeno, whose hands still hadn't been lowered. she didn't know what to do so she cleared her throat, "i'll just sleep on the couch for a bit and decide later," she bolted out of the door. 


yumi was sweating in her sleep. she tossed and turned on the couch until her eyes shot right open and she shuddered. she mother's death kept replaying in her head and she frequently dreamed about the day her father brought home another woman. 

in a daze, she made her way to the bathroom on the first floor and sat on the ground in front of the sink. her hands reached mindlessly into her pocket and pulled out a miniature knife.

she sat there for a while, staring at it, mesmerized by the curve of the handle and the gleam of the blade. 

yumi was never one to speak up about her problems. she didn't want to burden anyone with er dark life and thoughts. so she brought it all onto herself and kept it in, until moments like this where she couldn't bear it anymore.

as the gleaming blade sunk into the sensitive skin of her wrist, she sighed, this type of pain was much more bearable than emotional pain.

it kept away thoughts of suicide for some time and she became addicted. 

after an hour or so, she sat up to wash her knife and stumbled back to the couch, where she laid down, careful not to let any blood stain the couch or the blankets. 

she finally slept peacefully.


me: creates a love triangle in every book i write for some flavor

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