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haechan tapped away at his computer screen rather aggressively as he tried to stop his team from losing the game he was currently playing. he had been at it for hours, screaming into the microphone at the boys he was playing with. on the other end, hendery and yangyang yelled equally loudly and yumi frowned.

she was bored. she had been listening to the boys screaming at each other for quite a long time and haechan had promised to watch a movie with her today. 

she had circled around the house quite a few times, but the only person that was home was jeno, and she didn't think it would be a very good idea to be around him at the moment.

yumi got up from haechan's bed and forcefully scooted his chair out a bit so that she could sit in his lap. he didn't even flinch. 

yumi frowned, she had thought that he would at least hug her if she sat there and watched him play his game. getting an idea, she smirked and turned so that she faced him. haechan glanced down at her in surprise for a fraction of a second before the game consumed his attention once again. 

yumi scrunched her nose, a little annoyed and kissed haechan's neck lightly, wanting to see if he would get mad or not. instead, haechan shuddered a little and she giggled, "is haechan sensitive today?" she teased and haechan tried to cover his mic so the other boys wouldn't here. 

"yo is that your girl haechan? you've never introduced us to her man," hendery's voice said on the other side and haechan sighed.

"yes. that's my girl and i'm not ever introducing to her to you guys. you and the rest of wayv are the biggest flirts i've ever seen in my entire life," haechan told his friend.

yumi snuggled against his chest, content that she had earned his attention for the time being, "i want to meet your friends."

yangyang chuckled on the line, "see she wants to meet us. what's your name cutie?"

yumi rolled her eyes at the nickname that yangyang had just used and haechan growled audibly, "the name is yumi. moon yumi, now stop flirting with her. she has enough people trying to steal her away from me."

hendery gasped dramatically, "tea. who? is it a lee jeno?"

"how the hell did you know?"

hendery laughed loudly, "i was playing with jeno a week ago. he was talking about a yumi. i figure it's the same girl."

yumi slightly tensed and haechan took a hand away from his keyboard to pat her head comfortingly, "yeah he's an ass."

"he's not an ass," yumi defended jeno, "if anything you're an ass."

haechan laughed, "you're right. but you still picked me."

yumi huffed and tried to move away but haechan gave her look, daring her to sit up. she thought about it and settled back down, not wanting to trigger haechan's dominate side at the moment.

when haechan's phone rang, he looked down to see who it was and his eyes widened a little. he glanced to see if yumi had looked at it too, but she wasn't interested in peeking at his phone. however, he should the caller to her and she sighed loudly.

"ayo hendery, yangyang, i'm going to have to go," haechan said and cut the line.

yumi shrugged when haechan looked at her with a question mark in his eyes, "pick it up i guess."

haechan nodded and picked it up, putting it on speaker so yumi could hear it too. 

"how is my little teddy bear," a nasally voice sounded through the speaker and yumi and haechan had to stop themselves from cringing out loud.

"i'm most definitely sure that i cut things off with you, why are you calling me?" haechan asked.

"but you didn't delete my number babe, that must mean you weren't serious," nayu whined.

haechan huffed, "on the contrary, my girlfriend told me to keep your number, so that whenever you called we could laugh at you together."

this wasn't really the case, but it was funny the way he said it. yumi had told him to keep nayu's number because if he blocked it, she would just buy more phones. there wasn't really a point. it was better to know she was calling then to pick up a random call and find out it was her. 

the mention of haechan's girlfriend seemed to have ticked nayu off. her voice was much less fake, "meet me at the cafe in five."

the line hung up and haechan stared at his phone, confused, "did she just order me around?"

yumi nodded, "wanna go together."

"i'll go if you look hot and you make out with me in front of her," haechan said, feeling bold.


he hadn't expected her to agree but he wasn't going to complain. when yumi exited the bathroom two minutes later, her hair was down and she wasn't wearing sweats anymore. haechan's jaw dropped, "how did you do your makeup so fast?"

yumi shrugged, "only psychopaths do their eyeliner fast, i guess i am one."

haechan whistled at the outfit. the leather shorts and the leather jacket made him feel all sorts of things, but he especially liked that the jacket belonged to him.

"let's go babe."


they arrived at the cafe exactly fifteen minutes behind schedule. they had done it on purpose, opting to walk instead of taking a car or a motorcycle. they were so attractive entering the cafe however, since haechan had pulled out his second leather jacket to match with yumi. 

"why is she here?" nayu asked, annoyed.

"to do this," yumi smiled sweetly and picked up nayu's coffee cup. she splashed the americano on nayu's white dress without hesitation.

"you're hot," haechan told her and kissed her neck, making her to make eye contact with nayu, who was beyond furious.

yumi winked at him and took out the red cherry bomb flavored lollipop out of her mouth before giving him a deep kiss. she was taken by surprise, however, when haechan took the lollipop from her and started sucking on it himself.

"now that was hot," she told him as they walked away from the cafe, leaving an angry nayu soaking in coffee.

"what are you two doing here?"

haechan turned and narrowed his eyes, "i can ask you that question."

jeno shrugged, "going to get some coffee."

yumi shrugged and pulled haechan along with her, feeling awkward in jeno's presence. 

when they were out of the way jeno entered the cafe swiftly and sat down across from nayu, "you look like a trainwreck, why did you call me?" 

nayu smirked at him, "oh you'll see."

baby don't like it {lee haechan}Where stories live. Discover now