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the entire house had been turned upside down. today was the day of shotaro and ayeri's two-year anniversary, and the gang leader had shut down all gang operations just to celebrate with a big party.

he had even invited the 127 and wayv units, who took the volume up several notches as soon as they had arrived. a few of them had brought their girlfriends too, and yumi was happy to have someone other than ayeri to talk to that didn't reek of testerone. 

a girl named jirin tapped yumi on the shoulder and handed her a drink, smiling sweetly, "have we met before?"

yumi shook her head, "i don't think so?"

jirin chuckled, "i'm doyoung's girlfriend and a medic, it's nice to meet you. haechan always talks about you whenever he works with 127."

yumi and jirin exchanged a few more words, already getting along very well. jirin then looked up from their conversation and waved to a newcomer, "that's winwin's girlfriend. her name is keni! she's really good at fighting too."

yumi bowed a little and greeted keni, who she assumed to be a year or two older than her. keni waved her off, "i've heard lots about you!"

yumi tilted her head, "from haechan?"

keni chuckled and shook her head, "no. i know you from your tattoo works, i know i few people who've been tatted at your parlor and they are all so beautiful."

yumi smiled ear-to-ear. she missed being able to do tattoos all day, "would you like one?" she glanced at the girl, who already had quite a few tattoos.

keni clapped her hands together, she looked at jirin, "wanna get matchings ones? all of us? i'll even drag ayeri and make her ditch practice!"

yumi and jirin agreed excited, all jumping up and down in a circle. it wasn't everyday that they got to get together with other girls. all of them were just surrounded by a bunch of boys everyday. 

a pair of strong arms wrapped around yumi's waist and healed her tightly. she smiled at the smell of soft sandalwood and knew immediately who it was just by touch. she instantly melted at his embrace, making the other girls swoon at the cute couple.

"are you girls trying to steal my girlfriend?" haechan playfully asked.

keni rolled her eyes, "oh please, we don't even have to try."

haechan gasped dramatically and yumi nodded her head, "yeah i'm dating keni now, didn't you know?"

they didn't get to joke around for long, as the door had just opened to reveal a missing member and an uninvited guest.

yumi instantly furrowed her eyebrows and restrained haechan from jumping forward," what are they doing together?" she whispered.

nayu always liked to arrive late to events. she loved attention and that was one of the best ways to get everyone to look at you. she wore a hot pink dress with ruffles everywhere; it definitely did not match the vibe of the night. one of her arms were slithered around jeno and he walked in next to her without sparing yumi a glance. 

chenle stepped forward, "jeno what are you doing?" he glanced back at his best friend to make sure yumi was doing okay. she nodded softly to him for reassurance.

"what? everyone else brought their girlfriends, why can't i?" jeno rolled his eyes and nayu spun around in the middle of the room, "everyone meet nayu, my girlfriend."

it was jisung's turn to stand up. he was furious, no one messed with yumi like that and ever got past him. "stop the games, you know who she is and what she's done."

jeno smirked and pushed jisung back down on his seat, "everyone relax, imma visit my room for a bit, you guys can get to know nayu."

no one was relaxing. all 22 boys stood or sat in their seats with malicious glares, all directed at the girl in the flamingo dress. on top of that keni and ayeri nodded at each other and walked up to the unwanted guest. 

"you aren't invited," ayeri said and keni nodded. they were always the more intimidating duo. jirin stood behind with her arms wrapped around yumi's shoulders. 

nayu rolled her eyes, "i'm here with jeno, he just said that."

"well, this is my party and i say that you grab jeno's backstabbing little ass and get out of the house. and while you're at it, tell him that shotaro is not letting him back in until he apologizes," ayeri said and keni pushed nayu towards the stairs and jeno's room.

jirin snuck past the mini catfight and ran into jeno's room, not bothering to close the door in the process. it would be the first time since rejected him that they would speak face-to-face. 

"jeno why are you doing this?" jirin asked, her voice broken.

jeno sighed, staring at her sad eyes. he wanted to hug her more than ever, "can you just trust me on this one?" he said quietly. 


"fake date me, lee jeno," nayu had said, trying to cover the large coffee stain on her shirt with her arms. 

jeno stood up immediately, his chair clattering back and making even more of a scene, "are you insane? i'd rather die before doing that!"

nayu huffed, "i'm not that bad. besides i'm doing you a favor, you like her anyways. once haechan breaks up with her, you'll have a better chance and i can have him back."

jeno folded his arms, looking stern, "haechan never liked you in the first place, he'll just hate you more."

"father is planning on deported yumi, if you do as i say, i'll convince him not to. he listens to everything i say. if not.... i'll make her have to leave even sooner than expected. it's your choice," jeno wanted to slap the smirk off of her face. 


"and i'm so sorry for this," jeno said as he pulled yumi in aggressively, making sure that nayu was at the door. 

he was no longer gentle and his hands were everywhere on her body. yumi tried to fight him off, but jeno had always been so strong. his lips smashed into hers and he worked his way into the kiss, not letting her go. 

yumi tried everything; kicking, scratching, and punching. in the end, when jeno finally let go, she slid to the floor with her arms around her body protectively. her eyes were wild and tears were falling without stop down her cheeks.

jeno didn't spare her a second glance and nodded at nayu, who had just taken a video of everything. she winked and then disappeared while jeno awkwardly stood there, not knowing what to do with the crying girl. 

yumi finally stood up after a few minutes. still crying, she managed to get out a few words, "d-don't ever touch me again," she said and slapped him across the face, leaving a red mark. 

she ran out of the room and jeno let out the breath he was holding.

aggressive reminder to vote >:(

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