021. im sorry v

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trigger warning

(yes, i've had this idea for a while)
major self harm

lennon got into her car, quickly driving over to the hype house in fear of what she was about to walk into. once she arrived, she didnt bother taking her keys out of the car or grabbing anything important, she just rushed in. everyone seemed to be out if the house since there was no other cars and almost all lights were out.

"vinnie?" she called out worriedly, walking through the dark house. even though it was 4 am and she was on the verge of sleep, she still searched the house before walking into his room, seeing all lights off.

she sat on his bed, wondering if he was out with everyone else. everything seemed as though it hadnt been touched in hours. his PC was powered off, meaning he hadnt been on it in a while and his bed had looked barely touched. she got up and headed towards his door before thinking of an idea. there was one place she hadnt checked.

his bathroom.

she walked into it, seeing all the lights off again. since it was so dark, she only saw pitch black and only heard dead silence. her hand wandered along the walls, trying to find the switch. when she lost hope of finding it easily, she pulled out her phone.

she had an eerie feeling at this point, not liking the fact that she was standing in silence and darkness. she turned on the flash, shining it along the walls until she saw the light switch. she flicked it upward before turning her head to look around.

her phone dropped to the floor as she screamed, hearing the screen crack. she dropped to her knees by the sink, seeing vinnie's pale skin coated with blood along with the area around him. she softly turned his head, tears clouding her vision as she cried.

she crawled over to her phone, quickly dialing 911 and explaining to the dispatcher. she set it down, turning back to vinnie's limp body. "hey, vinnie its gonna be okay. your gonna be alright, i promise" she cried, her hands becoming bloody as she tried to stop the bleeding on his arms.

the tears kept coming, making it hard to see. she wrapped a towel around his arms, pressing down to try and stop the bleeding, seeing it as no use once the blood easily seeped through. she rested her forehead on his chest, crying into it as the distant sirens came into her hearing range.

"vinnie please, i need you to stay with me okay? their almost here, your gonna be okay" she said through her tears, more so trying to reassure herself that he was gonna make it. she watched as a group of paramedics were quick to rush in, grabbing his body and placing it on a stretcher.

thomas, alex and michael all joked as they drove down the long, dark narrow road. "what do you guys think vinnie's been up to this entire time?" thomas asked jokingly as the other two came up with theories.

"what the fuck?" michael mumbled, seeing police cars and ambulances swarming the house. "what the hell happened??" thomas asked as he parked quickly. the three jumped out, seeing paramedics flood out of the house as they brought a stretcher with them.

the three stared in shock as they saw vinnie being carried out on it. "no, no your fucking kidding me" michael yelled, running his hands through his hair, turning away to face the other way as his eyes became glossy.

soon the rest of the hype house members pulling up beside them, equally as confused. meanwhile, nai wrapped her arms around lennon, letting her cry into her shoulder as they stood in his room. nai glanced down at lennons bloody hands, not knowing what to do since she didnt wanna take her back into the bloody bathroom.

"come on, lets get you home" nai said softly before leading lennon to her car. the two drove home in silence, only sound to be heard was sniffling.

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