Let Me Hold Your Heart Too

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"Byul-ahh!" a girl with short brown hair shouted to the other girl who was walking in front of her.

"Yes, yong?" Byul, the other girl turned to her

"Do you wanna hang out after school?" Yong asked Byul, admiring her beauty at the same time

Yes, Yong has a crush on Byul for 2 years. She doesn't want to confess to Byul because of the thought of losing her friend if something goes wrong.

"Umm...sure, to where?" Byul said while looking down at her phone.

"To my favourite cafe, I'm sure you'll like it too"

"Okay sure but first let's run to the school gate we're gonna be late"

Byul grabbed Yong's wrist and started running towards the gate. The wind carried Byul's hair, revealing her beautiful neckline. Again, Yong was admiring that girl's beauty from behind.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Byul asked, turning her face towards Yong. Her perfect side profile took Yong's breathe once again.

"No reason" she answered shortly, she didn't want Byul to notice her feelings. Her heart was pounding so fast at the point.

They finally reached the gate. Byul was still holding Yong's wrist, making other students whisper about them. Most of the students know about Yong's big crush on Byul but Byul doesn't know it as she has no friends except Yong and the head of the year, Sandeul.

"MOON BYULLIE!!!" a familiar voice called out Byul. It was Sandeul. He approached the girls.

"So what's with this?" he pointed to their hands, Byul was still holding Yong's wrist firmly.

"Ah..it's just because she helped me run faster to get here," Yong said calmly.

That's when Byul intertwined her fingers with Yong's, Yong was panicking so hard at that point.

"Now what is that? I feel so single guys" Sandeul made a joke "Are you guys perhaps dating?"

"What if we are?" Byul said it in a serious tone.

"Oh my god. Guys. Seriously?"

"HAHA No. Now let's go to the class the school's gonna start soon" Byul pulled Yong with her again, with their fingers still intertwined.

Yong couldn't say anything because things happened so fast. All she had in her head was the question "why did byul say that?".

- Byul's POV -

We're already in the class. I'm sitting here at my seat, kinda far away from Yong's. She seems like she's deep in thought. I wonder what she's thinking.

She looks so cute. How can someone be this cute without doing anything?

I was just admiring her beauty once again. That silly girl doesn't know that I know she likes me and that I like her too. We've been friends for 5 years but I slowly grew feelings for her 3 years ago. And I'm just scared to tell her. Of course, she won't reject me but I'm still not ready to date someone yet.

: After School :

"Byul-ahh!" I saw Yong running towards me as always. She wrapped her hands around my arm as soon as she got near me. She's really clingy with me, normally I hate when people are but I like it with her

"Let's go?" I said in a high tone.

"SURE! LEGGO!" she can be really loud too.

We're walking to her favourite cafe as it's not that far from the school.

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