my tutor 🔞

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✑ grammatical and typographical errors ahead
✑ a work of fiction, do not repost

⚠︎ mature contented,
read at your own risk

solar as mae
moonbyul as avery

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"avery! why are you not prepared yet? your tutor is coming soon," avery's mother shouted at her, who was lying on her bed while using phone.

"I told you, I don't need a tutor," avery replied and kept using her phone.

"you want or not, your tutor will come soon, that's it," avery's mother shouted again and went out of the house.

avery got a message from her mum after a few minutes saying she would be back only in the morning.

"why is mum like this?? I'm not a highschooler anymore though. I'm literally an university student now," avery whined as she got up to prepare for the 'tutor' session.

"seriously, I hate mum sometimes," she kept talking to herself till she heard the doorbell.

"my little tutor is already here," she said it as she slowly walked to the door.
the door opened as it revealed a gorgeous lady standing.

"are you my tutor?" avery asked in confusion since she never thought a tutor would be this pretty.

"yes, and may I come inside now?" she asked and avery nodded while opening the door wider.

"your mother called me saying she won't be back for tonight," she calmly said as she walked into the house.

"now where can I sit?" she asked while looking at avery who was staring at her.

"you can sit on my face if you want ma'am," avery jokingly said.

"you're really the same like what your mother told me," she sat down on a seat and avery followed her.

"okay so avery, I'm mae and I'll be your new tutor," she offered a handshake but avery just ignored it.

"you look young, how old are you?" avery asked.

"I'm 21, why?" she looked avery straight in the eyes.

"I'm 20...mae," avery winked at mae as she tried to put her hand on mae's waist.

"young lady, no flirting here," mae said as she removed avery's hand.

"I'm young and I can't resist your beauty too, you're too beautiful," avery looked into mae's eyes as she put her hand on the older girl's shoulder.

mae pulled avery closer to her, their nose touching.

"don't tease me too much, you'll regret it," she whispered into younger girl's ears and pushed avery away.

avery was shocked at what just happened.

"no, I won't regret it," avery sat on mae's lap and kissed her soft lips.

mae kissed back as she wrapped her hands around avery's wasit. avery moved her lips to the older girl's neck from the lips and left some marks.

avery was already holding mae in her arms as they moved to the bed. mae was hurriedly unbuttoning avery's shirt while feeling kisses from avery on her neck. after a few minutes, avery stopped kissing just to take off her shirt, revealing her black bra along with her perfect body. avery next removed mae's clothes.

"clothes are 100% off in my room ma'am," avery said as she also took off mae's underwear.

she licked her lower lip as she looked at the older girl's soft and round breasts with pinkish nipples.

"why are you just looking at them? I bet you can do some works?" mae said as she pulled avery's hand and put it on one of her precious boobs.

"oh, like this way?" avery smirked as she started squeezing the soft thing she's grabbing.

mae let out a small moan as avery continued to squeeze one of her boobs and suck the other one.

"why are you so good at this..?" mae questioned while moaning.

"it's just the start mae...I told you, you're gonna regret teasing me," avery said as her fingers travelled down to mae's not so wet little v.

mae moaned louder as avery pressed the clit, slowly rubbing the inner part with her index finger.

"you're wet already," avery said while sucking the older girl's nipple. she moved her tongue in circular motion as she put her middle finger and ring finger inside mae's pinky entrance.

"good thing you shaved the hair," avery jokingly said while moving her fingers in and out, making mae moaned so loud.

"avery, it hurts," she whined as she felt the pain in her lower body.

"be quiet, you'll start to enjoy it," avery whispered into mae's ear as she put her fingers deeper.

"it's so tight and warm inside you," avery kept moving her fingers fast. mae was moaning so loud while enjoying the pain.

"avery, faster!" the younger girl smirked at her words and moved her fingers faster than ever and deeper.

mae felt a strange feeling inside her stomach as the younger girl's fingers moving and pleasing her.

"It's coming avery," she told avery in a weak voice.

"sure, let it all out," avery put out her fingers as the older girl let out some whitish liquid.

avery bent down and started sucking the white and sticky liquid. she put mae's legs on her shoulders as she dipped her nose in the clit, licking and sucking the other parts.

"why are you so delicious?" avery looked up the older girl's face and asked.

"I don't know, am I really?" mae questioned back.

"you are, like a lot," avery lied beside mae and kissed her lips.

they both could hear avery's phone vibrating on the nightstand. avery looked at the caller ID, it was her mum.

"yes mum?"

"yeah, I like my tutor session, I think I'm gonna continue."

she hanged up as she smiled and looked at mae.

"I really enjoy this tutor," she kissed mae's nose.

"I guess we should have another session at my house, I have larger bed," mae said jokingly.

"sure ma'am, and I'll have my favourite meal."

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