After Practice 🔞

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- typographical and grammatical errors ahead

- mature contented

- read at your own risk

(Included a bad smut haha)

It was exactly 1 am, "One, two, three, four,...." a voice was coming from the dance practice room. Moon Byullie, the main dancer and the centre of the crew, was teaching the new girl, Kim Yongsun, the steps. The room was filled with Byul's voice and Yongsun's heavy sighs.

"Byullie-ssi, can we rest for a bit?" Yongsun asked for a rest as she was really exhausted after practising for 4 hours straight.

"Sure, and just call me Byul, I'm younger than you" Byul handed a water bottle to Yongsun and sat beside her.

"So why did you choose our crew?" Byul asked to break the silence between them.

"Because of you," Yongsun's answer made Byul shocked.

"Oh, how come?" Byul turned her body towards Yongsun, giving all her attention to the girl.

"Well, the way you move when you dance and the way you talk, the way your eyes change when you're performing," Yongsun was saying everything about Byul in detail.

"So? Are you gay, ma'am?" Byul's question made Yongsun panicked.

"It's not like-" Byul cut Yongsun's words, "We should go back to the dorm, you're my dormmate because there's no other room, I usually prefer staying alone"

"It's okay if you don't wanna share the dorm with me, I can sleep at my friend's house"

"Eh? It's 1 am ma'am, just come with me, it's not like I will bite you" Byul laughed, revealing her nose muscles.

"Let me pack my things first" Yongsun hurriedly packed her things and ran after Byul who was already on the way out.

The car ride was silent. Byul was driving without a word, Yongsun was sitting in the passenger seat quietly.

"Yong, can I call you like that? It's a little more comfortable for me to call than unnie" Byul again broke the silence by asking a question.
"Yeah, I don't mind," the whole ride was again silent till they got to the dorm.

Yong got out of the car as soon as they arrived, along with Byul.

"Come, this way" Byul led the way from the front, "I only have a bed now, we'll go buy one for you tomorrow"

Yong looked around the dorm and saw a sofa, "I can sleep on the sofa"

"No, you sleep on the bed, I'll find my way to sleep," Byul said it in her deep voice, with a serious tone, making Yong scared of her for no reason.

Byul noticed the look on Yong's face, "Don't be scared, I just sound like this after practising"

"Shouldn't you change though? Do you have something light to wear?" Byul asked.

"I don't think I have" Yong answered.

"I'll borrow you mine, come" Byul walked to her room, followed by Yong.

Byul gave one of her pyjamas to Yong, "Thanks," Yong said in an informal way.

" can just change it here? We both are girls anyway haha" Byul took off her shirt after saying that, revealing her perfectly curved body and a black bra underneath.

"Why? You shy?" Byul teased Yong who was just standing there.

"N-no, I was just shocked that you just took off your clothes in front of me" Yong also started taking off her clothes

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