Midnight Orchestra 🔞

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- typographical and grammatical errors ahead

- mature contented

- read at your own risk

Moonbyul as Viola
Solar as Ivy

words count : 1,114 words


The room was dark and quiet. The blonde haired girl was sitting on the bed, waiting for someone. She kept looking at the clock on the wall in front of her.

"Viola...where are you?"

She grabbed her phone which was lying on the nightstand and tried to call Viola, her girlfriend. As the call was dialing, she heard someone entering the door passcode and coming inside the house. She looked at the person slowly.

"Viola" she ran up to her. Viola was drunk.

"Ivy..." Viola pushed Ivy on the bed and kissed her. She received a kiss mixed with the scent of alcohol from Viola. It was a passionate one yet sweet kiss. Viola's hands were running all over Ivy's body showing how much she wanted Ivy.

Viola slowly removed her jacket and unbuttoned her shirt, showing her sexy collarbones. Her lips were now on Ivy's neck, kissing and sucking it hard. She left some bite marks and hickeys as her lips moved. She kissed Ivy's collarbone, a soft and quiet moan came out of Ivy's mouth. She slightly smirked and sucked that spot more. She left a visible hickey on the collarbone and looked up at the girl who was grabbing the bedsheet and controlling herself not to moan.

"Why are you wearing something like this though baby...?" she asked with her hoarse voice while her fingers traced down from Ivy's neck to her waist.

Ivy was wearing a pink see through night dress which was revealing some of her body part. Viola licked her lips as she put her hand underneath the dress and searched for a place to play. Her fingers slowly traced the girl's bare skin, making sure to make her shivers.

Her hand finally landed on Ivy's breast after a while. She slowly caressed it while her lips were on the girl's neck once again. She sucked it like a wild beast as she moved her tongue in circular motion. Ivy was humming as the tongue kept moving on her neck.

"Ah~" Ivy let out a soft moan when she felt a sudden squeeze on her boobs. Viola squeezed it harder, making Ivy whined. She slowly took her hand out and took off Ivy's nightdress, leaving Ivy naked. Ivy was shining under the moonlight coming from the little opening of the curtain. Her skin looked so smooth and soft, making Viola's horniness went up even more.

Viola bent down and kissed Ivy's lips again, biting her lower lip making Ivy open her mouth a bit due to the pain she got. Viola didn't let the chance go and put her tongue inside, starting to explore all over Ivy's mouth not leaving a place. She then pulled Ivy by the waist, making their bodies touch. She traced the kisses down to Ivy's well shaped breasts and sucked the nipples. She softly bit it causing Ivy to let out a soft groan.

Viola's hands travelled down to Ivy's little v. It was already wet. She slowly rubbed it with her middle finger.

"Fuck, you're soaking wet" Viola said it as she played Ivy's clit with her thumb. Ivy's moans were like music to her ears.

She continued sucking Ivy's nipples as if they were lollipops while her fingers kept rubbing and playing with Ivy's 𝘴𝘰𝘢𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘦𝘵 𝘱𝘶𝘴𝘴𝘺 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦.

Viola put her two fingers inside Ivy after a while without a single warning causing Ivy to scream her name due to the pain she's getting.

"Viola!! It hurts!!"

"Shh..be quiet babygirl, it'll turn into pleasure don't worry, trust daddy okay?"

Ivy nodded slowly.

Viola continued thrusting her fingers in and out. Ivy was also screaming as Viola kept fingering her.

"You're so tight fuck" Viola screamed as she increased her speed. Ivy was moaning Viola's name loud. Some white and warm liquids were dripping down from Ivy's little entrance to Viola's hand and the bedsheet.

"Viola..faster please"

A big smirk appered on Viola's pretty face when she heard her girl asking for more. She increased her speed. The room was filled with the sound of her fingers moving along with Ivy's wetness and their moans.

Ivy wrapped her arms around Viola's neck and started sucking her neck and collarbone. Viola moaned right into Ivy's ears.

"Shit Ivy...how can you do this while I'm fucking you"

"I don't know daddy~" Ivy said it in a playful tone.

Viola thrusted her fingers hard which made Ivy scream louder than ever.

"Fuck you're hurting me"

"This is what you get for teasing me babygirl"

Viola pulled her fingers out after a while as Ivy let her warm liquids out slowly. Viola made Ivy lied down a bit and spread Ivy's legs wider, positioning herself to lick the cum.

"It's warm babe" she said it as she sucked her fingers.

Viola started to suck Ivy's wet pussy while Ivy was moaning and enjoying the pleasure she's feeling. Viola put her tongue inside the entrance as her nose dipped into the girl's soft pussy. Ivy grabbed the bedsheet as she felt the tongue doing its job inside her. Viola moved her tongue slowly, causing some liquid to come out.

"You're not done yet huh?" Viola said it between her wild kisses on the pussy.

She put her pointing finger again inside Ivy. Ivy was shocked and screamed as she didn't expect Viola to do that again. Viola moved her finger slowly. She could feel her girl's walls tightening up as she kept thrusting them. She thrusted it hard for the last time and pulled out her finger.

She licked her finger which was covered with some warm liquid. She continued licking Ivy's wet pussy and her thighs.

She got up and looked Ivy's face. She looked so pale. Viola took off her shirt fully and lied down beside Ivy. She softly kisses her lips and smiled.

"Guess we made a mess babe" she said.

"We sure did baby...or should I say daddy?" Ivy replied and they both chuckled at her words.

"Maybe daddy because I'm still horny" Viola kissed Ivy's neck after replying.

"Stop teasing me Viola, you know I can't handle it when you do like that" Ivy lightly pushed Viola who kept kissing her neck, tickling with her tongue.

"And that's the reason why I wanna keep teasing you honey~"

"Greasy Viola..." she shaked her head.

"Anyway, it was fun" Viola hugged and said it into Ivy's ears.

"Well, we made a lot of sounds" Ivy chuckled a bit.

Viola buried her face on Ivy's shoulder and they both slowly fell asleep as they were also tired.

Well, was a sweet and wild little midnight orchestra filled with moans.

- 𖧷 END 𖧷 -

have a nice day ahead everyone---

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