Late Confession

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- typographical and grammatical errors ahead

- this maybe sensitive for some people



Hey, I'm here again," a woman with short black hair, holding some flowers in her hand, stood in front of a grave.

"It's been a while huh?" she sat down on the grass, leaning her head on the grave.

"I can still remember how you used to tell me that you hate me," she let out a small giggle.

" you remember when we were highschoolers?" she started to think about her past.

"Byul-ah!!" a girl with long brown hair waved at the blonde-haired girl.

"What again, Yongsun?" she said, a bit annoyed.

"I just want to be close with you," Yongsun held Byul's hand.

"Now why are you holding my hand?" Byul said it while hiding her smile.

"Because I want to," the girl's smile made the other girl smile too.


"Kim Yongsun! What do you think you're doing!?" Byul shouted at Yongsun who was standing on the rooftop.

"Byul-ah...I'm sorry, I love you" she moved one step forward, making herself fall down from the rooftop but things didn't happen as she wanted to.

Byul ran to her and pulled her back, her speed saved Yongsun but she fell down instead.

"Kim Yongsun! I hate you! Because you're making me fall for you"

"Byul-ah...!!!!!!" Yongsun's scream filled the night, her vision was blurry. The girl she loves is now on the ground, surround with her own blood.

"Didn't you say you hate me!!??? Why now!!?" she cried her heart out.

"Why Byul? Why....?" her whole body was shaking, she just lost her loved one.

"Yongsun dear, I think you should read this"

Mrs. Moon passed Yongsun a book. It seemed like a diary.

Yongsun slowly opened the diary and read some things in it. She could feel her tears coming out slowly.

"What is all these now...!?" she shouted. Mrs. Moon tried to calm her down.

"She loved you dear...and her death isn't your fault," Mrs. Moon hugged Yongsun who was crying heavily.

"Why didn't she tell me aunty..? That she had cancer?"

"She just didn't want you to be sad," Mrs. Moon hugged her tighter.


"Why didn't you tell me earlier!!???" Yongsun punched her pillow, letting out her anger.

"I could have spent more time with you silly," her tears slowly fell down to her cheeks.


"You didn't tell me that you love you know how it feels to be left like this?"

Yongsun slowly got up and walked away, tears falling down again like they did in the past.

"Maybe we weren't just meant to be each others'..maybe you weren't made for me"

She wiped her tears with the back of her hand.

"I'll come and visit you Byul-ah..."
She walked across the road without looking at the cars passing by.

Again, another girl on the ground surrounded with her own blood.

It was just a late confession. If she told her that she loves her earlier, things would change...


It's my first time writing something like this so sorry about my bad writing skill. It's kinda short too because I'm being too lazy to type more words. Thanks for reading, hope you enjoyed!

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